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- 2020
Displaying 1 - 15 of 17 results
EPA awards $1 million to the District of Columbia to control polluted runoff, restore water quality
EPA News Release: EPA awards $1 million to the District of Columbia to control polluted runoff, restore water quality
- Release Date:
EPA awards $156,000 to the District of Columbia to develop a wetlands program
EPA News Release: EPA awards $156,000 to the District of Columbia to develop a wetlands program
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EPA awards $12.8 million to District of Columbia for water improvement projects
EPA News Release: EPA awards $12.8 million to District of Columbia for water improvement projects
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EPA to Award up to $5.5 Million for Clean Diesel Projects in Mid-Atlantic Region
EPA News Release: EPA to Award up to $5.5 Million for Clean Diesel Projects in Mid-Atlantic Region
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EPA Awards $15,000 Grant for Sustainable Food Management
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $15,000 Grant for Sustainable Food Management
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Seven Mid-Atlantic Organizations Among 42 Nationwide Receiving more than $9 Million in Pollution Prevention Grants from the EPA
EPA News Release: Seven Mid-Atlantic Organizations Among 42 Nationwide Receiving more than $9 Million in Pollution Prevention Grants from the EPA
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EPA settlement penalizes Superior Concrete Materials For Clean Air Act violations at former D.C. location
EPA News Release: EPA settlement penalizes Superior Concrete Materials For Clean Air Act violations at former D.C. location
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EPA Announces Record $18 Million for Projects in Chesapeake Bay Watershed
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Record $18 Million for Projects in Chesapeake Bay Watershed
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EPA Funding to Accelerate Ag Pollution Reductions in Pennsylvania
Projects Eyed in ‘Most Effective Basins’
EPA News Release: EPA Funding to Accelerate Ag Pollution Reductions in Pennsylvania
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EPA Provides $3.84 Million for Pennsylvania Efforts to Reduce Ag-Related Pollution
EPA News Release: EPA Provides $3.84 Million for Pennsylvania Efforts to Reduce Ag-Related Pollution
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EPA Prepares for 2020 Hurricane Season Amid COVID-19
EPA News Release: EPA Prepares for 2020 Hurricane Season Amid COVID-19
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EPA Stresses the Importance of Recycling and Proper Disposal of Personal Protective Equipment
EPA News Release: EPA Stresses the Importance of Recycling and Proper Disposal of Personal Protective Equipment
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EPA and Federal Partners Commemorate 10-year Anniversary of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
EPA News Release: EPA and Federal Partners Commemorate 10-year Anniversary of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
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EPA Announces $2 Million Available for Tribes to Clean Up Diesel Engines
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $2 Million Available for Tribes to Clean Up Diesel Engines
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EPA Continues Efforts to Increase the Availability of Disinfectant Products for Use Against the Novel Coronavirus
EPA News Release: EPA Continues Efforts to Increase the Availability of Disinfectant Products for Use Against the Novel Coronavirus
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