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National Wildlife Federation selected to Serve as New Technical Assistance Center to Help Communities Across EPA’s Mid-Atlantic Region Access Historic Investments to Advance Environmental Justice.
EPA’s Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers include a network of over 160 partners to provide resources to unlock access to President Biden’s historic investments in America
EPA News Release: National Wildlife Federation selected to Serve as New Technical Assistance Center to Help Communities Across EPA’s Mid-Atlantic Region Access Historic Investments to Advance Environmental Justice.
- Release Date:
EPA Requires Norfolk Southern to Sample for Dioxins in East Palestine
EPA will direct immediate cleanup as appropriate if contaminants from the derailment pose any unacceptable risk to human health
EPA News Release: EPA Requires Norfolk Southern to Sample for Dioxins in East Palestine
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EPA Launches New Initiative to Accelerate Lead Pipe Replacement in Pennsylvania to Protect Underserved Communities
New partnership with states will help communities access funds from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for lead service line removal and replacement
EPA News Release: EPA Launches New Initiative to Accelerate Lead Pipe Replacement in Pennsylvania to Protect Underserved Communities
- Release Date:
Biden Administration Announces $7.3 Million to Tackle Polluted Brownfield Sites in Pennsylvania
8 Pennsylvania communities will receive Brownfield Assessment, Cleanup or High Performing Revolving Loan Fund support to help reinvigorate neighborhoods while addressing environmental justice concerns
EPA News Release: Biden Administration Announces $7.3 Million to Tackle Polluted Brownfield Sites in Pennsylvania
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U.S. Steel to pay $1.5 million penalty, make improvements to settle air pollution violations at Braddock, Pa. steelmaking plant
EPA News Release: U.S. Steel to pay $1.5 million penalty, make improvements to settle air pollution violations at Braddock, Pa. steelmaking plant
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EPA Announces $40 Million from Infrastructure Law for Chesapeake Bay Restoration
First of Five-Year Funding Totaling $238 Million
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $40 Million from Infrastructure Law for Chesapeake Bay Restoration
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