"SAMPLE_TYPE" "PARAMETER" "LABEL" "LEGAL_VALUES" "LABEL_BOATABLE" "LABEL_WADEABLE" "DESIGN" "AG_ECO9" "NARS 9-level reporting region (2015), based on aggregated Omernik Level III ecoregions" "CPL|NAP|NPL|SAP|SPL|TPL|UMW|WMT|XER|" "DESIGN" "COMID" "NHD common identifier for NRSA sampling frame and subsequent designs." "DESIGN" "EPA_REG" "EPA Region" "Region_01|Region_02|Region_03|Region_04|Region_05|Region_06|Region_07|Region_08|Region_09|Region_10|" "DESIGN" "SITE_ID" "Site ID for the study and year sampled. Preferred form is NRSnn_MM-xxxxx where nn is current cycle year (04, 08, 13, 18, etc), MM is two letter state code, and xxxxx is between 10001 and 99999. Text. No missing values allowed." "VERIF" "DATE_COL" "Date of data collection in field" "VERIF" "SITE_ID" "Site ID" "VERIF" "STATE" "State of site" "VERIF" "VISIT_NO" "Number identifying which visit this is" "|1|2" "VERIF" "YEAR" "Year of sampling" "" "UID" "Unique site visit ID" "Unique site visit ID" "" "UID" "Unique site visit ID" "Unique site visit ID" "" "UID" "Unique site visit ID" "Unique site visit ID" "" "UNIQUE_ID" "Unique site ID based on location that does not depend on year sampled or any other factor. Form is NRS_ss_nnnnn where ss state and nnnnn is number that starts at 10001. No missing values allowed." "Unique site ID based on location that does not depend on year sampled or any other factor. Form is NRS_ss_nnnnn where ss state and nnnnn is number that starts at 10001. No missing values allowed." "INTERPRETATION" "BANGMODE" "Mode of bank slope category (Zar 1984)" "Mode of bank slope category (Zar 1984)" "INTERPRETATION" "BFWD_RAT" "Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio" "Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio" "INTERPRETATION" "C1TM100" "Bankfull+above Channel Wood Count/100m Size=T+S+M+L+X (EPA/620/R-99/003 p53)" "Bankfull+above Channel Wood Count/100m Size=T+S+M+L+X (EPA/620/R-99/003 p53)" "INTERPRETATION" "C1WM100" "Bankfull Channel Wood Count/100m Size=T+S+M+L+X (EPA/620/R-99/003 p53)" "Bankfull Channel Wood Count/100m Size=T+S+M+L+X (EPA/620/R-99/003 p53)" "INTERPRETATION" "C2TM100" "Bankfull+above Channel Wood Count/100m Size=S+M+L+X (EPA/620/R-99/003 p53)" "Bankfull+above Channel Wood Count/100m Size=S+M+L+X (EPA/620/R-99/003 p53)" "INTERPRETATION" "C2WM100" "Bankfull Channel Wood Count/100m Size=S+M+L+X (EPA/620/R-99/003 p53)" "Bankfull Channel Wood Count/100m Size=S+M+L+X (EPA/620/R-99/003 p53)" "INTERPRETATION" "C4TM100" "Bankfull+above Channel Wood Count/100m Size=L+X (EPA/620/R-99/003 p53)" "Bankfull+above Channel Wood Count/100m Size=L+X (EPA/620/R-99/003 p53)" "INTERPRETATION" "C4WM100" "Bankfull Channel Wood Count/100m Size=L+X (EPA/620/R-99/003 p53)" "Bankfull Channel Wood Count/100m Size=L+X (EPA/620/R-99/003 p53)" "INTERPRETATION" "CONFEATURES" "Channel constraining Features" "Channel constraining Features" "INTERPRETATION" "CONPATTERN" "Channel pattern" "Channel pattern" "INTERPRETATION" "CONPERCENT" "Percent of Reach Constrained L or R" "Percent of Reach Constrained L or R" "INTERPRETATION" "CONSTRAINT" "Channel constraint type" "Channel constraint type" "INTERPRETATION" "CVdth" "CV of thalweg depth (SDDEPTH/XDEPTH)" "CV of thalweg depth (SDDEPTH/XDEPTH)" "INTERPRETATION" "CVWIDTH" "CV of Wetted Width (SDWIDTH/XWidth)" "CV of Wetted Width (SDWIDTH/XWidth)" "INTERPRETATION" "CVWIDTH" "CV of Wetted Width (SDWIDTH/XWidth)" "CV of Wetted Width (SDWIDTH/XWidth)" "INTERPRETATION" "CVWIDTH" "CV of Wetted Width (SDWIDTH/XWidth)" "CV of Wetted Width (SDWIDTH/XWidth)" "INTERPRETATION" "CVWIDTH" "CV of Wetted Width (SDWIDTH/XWidth)" "CV of Wetted Width (SDWIDTH/XWidth)" "INTERPRETATION" "CVWXD" "CV of Width Depth Product (SDWXD/XWXD)" "CV of Width Depth Product (SDWXD/XWXD)" "INTERPRETATION" "CVWXD" "CV of Width Depth Product (SDWXD/XWXD)" "CV of Width Depth Product (SDWXD/XWXD)" "INTERPRETATION" "CVWXD" "CV of Width Depth Product (SDWXD/XWXD)" "CV of Width Depth Product (SDWXD/XWXD)" "INTERPRETATION" "CVWXD" "CV of Width Depth Product (SDWXD/XWXD)" "CV of Width Depth Product (SDWXD/XWXD)" "INTERPRETATION" "LDCBF_G08" "Log10(Streambed Critical Diameter-at Bankfull- mm)(PRK 2008)" "Log10(Streambed Critical Diameter-at Bankfull- mm)(PRK 2008)" "INTERPRETATION" "LDMB_BW5" "Log10(Streambed Critical Diameter-at Bankfull - mm) (PRK 1999)" "Log10(Streambed Critical Diameter-at Bankfull - mm) (PRK 1999)" "INTERPRETATION" "LitSB1_FN" "Littoral Dominant % Substrate Fines (<0.06mm)" "Littoral Dominant % Substrate Fines (<0.06mm)" "INTERPRETATION" "LitSB1_SF" "Littoral Dominant % Substrate Sand or Fines (<2.0mm)" "Littoral Dominant % Substrate Sand or Fines (<2.0mm)" "INTERPRETATION" "LitSB1_SFGF" "Littoral Dominant % Substrate <16mm diameter" "Littoral Dominant % Substrate <16mm diameter" "INTERPRETATION" "LitSB12_FN" "Littoral Dominant or Subdominant % Substrate Fines (<0.06mm)" "Littoral Dominant or Subdominant % Substrate Fines (<0.06mm)" "INTERPRETATION" "LitSB12_SF" "Littoral Dom. or Subdom. % Substrate Sand or Fines (<2.0mm)" "Littoral Dom. or Subdom. % Substrate Sand or Fines (<2.0mm)" "INTERPRETATION" "LRBS_BW5" "Log10(Relative Bed Stability-bankfull: Dgm/Dcb) (PRK 1999)" "Log10(Relative Bed Stability-bankfull: Dgm/Dcb) (PRK 1999)" "INTERPRETATION" "LRBS_G08" "Log10(Relative Bed Stability-bankfull: Dgm/Dcb) (PRK 2008)" "Log10(Relative Bed Stability-bankfull: Dgm/Dcb) (PRK 2008)" "INTERPRETATION" "LRBS_TST" "Log10(Relative Bed Stability-bankfull: Dgm/Dcb) -- Quick Estimate" "Log10(Relative Bed Stability-bankfull: Dgm/Dcb) -- Quick Estimate" "INTERPRETATION" "LRBS_use" "Log10(Relative Bed Stability-bankfull: Dgm/Dcb) (PRK 2008) LRBS_g08 with some substitutions" "Log10(Relative Bed Stability-bankfull: Dgm/Dcb) (PRK 2008) LRBS_g08 with some substitutions" "INTERPRETATION" "LSUB_DMM" "Log10(Dgm--Geometric Mean Bed Surface Particle Diameter--mm))" "Log10(Dgm--Geometric Mean Bed Surface Particle Diameter--mm))" "INTERPRETATION" "LSUB_DMM_NOR" "Log10(Dgm--Geom.Mean Bed Surf.Particle Diam,exclude Bdrk+hardpan--mm)" "Log10(Dgm--Geom.Mean Bed Surf.Particle Diam,exclude Bdrk+hardpan--mm)" "INTERPRETATION" "LSUBD_SD" "StdDev{Log10(Dgm--Geometric Mean Bed Surface Particle Diameter--mm))}" "StdDev{Log10(Dgm--Geometric Mean Bed Surface Particle Diameter--mm))}" "INTERPRETATION" "LTEST" "Log10(Streambed Critical Diameter-at Bankfull - mm) -- Quick Estimate" "Log10(Streambed Critical Diameter-at Bankfull - mm) -- Quick Estimate" "INTERPRETATION" "LWDeqVol_msq" "Wood Vol (m3/m2 in area fished--Wadeable=V2 reach, Boatable=V1 littoral)" "Wood Vol (m3/m2 in area fished--Wadeable=V2 reach, Boatable=V1 littoral)" "INTERPRETATION" "LWDeqVolM100" "Wood Vol (m3) per 100m channel (Wadeable=V2, Boatable=V1)" "Wood Vol (m3) per 100m channel (Wadeable=V2, Boatable=V1)" "INTERPRETATION" "MEDBK_A" "Median Bank Angle (degrees)" "Median Bank Angle (degrees)" "INTERPRETATION" "MEDBKUN" "Median Bank Undercut Distance (m)" "Median Bank Undercut Distance (m)" "INTERPRETATION" "PCAN_C" "Coniferous Canopy - proportion of reach" "Coniferous Canopy - proportion of reach" "INTERPRETATION" "PCAN_D" "Broadleaf Deciduous Canopy - proportion of reach" "Broadleaf Deciduous Canopy - proportion of reach" "INTERPRETATION" "PCAN_E" "Broadleaf Evergreen Canopy - proportion of reach" "Broadleaf Evergreen Canopy - proportion of reach" "INTERPRETATION" "PCAN_M" "Mixed Coniferous-Broadleaf Canopy - proportion of reach" "Mixed Coniferous-Broadleaf Canopy - proportion of reach" "INTERPRETATION" "PCAN_N" "Canopy Absent - proportion of reach" "Canopy Absent - proportion of reach" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_BDRK" "Bed Surface % Bedrock (>4000mm)" "Bed Surface % Bedrock (>4000mm)" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_BH" "Bed Surface % Bedrock + Hardpan (>4000mm)" "Bed Surface % Bedrock + Hardpan" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_BH" "Bed Surface % Bedrock + Hardpan (>4000mm)" "Bed Surface % Bedrock + Hardpan (>4000mm)" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_BH" "Bed Surface % Bedrock + Hardpan" "Bed Surface % Bedrock + Hardpan" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_BH" "Bed Surface % Bedrock + Hardpan" "Bed Surface % Bedrock + Hardpan (>4000mm)" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_BIGR" "Bed Surface % Larger than Gravel (>64mm)" "Bed Surface % Larger than Gravel (>64mm)" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_BL" "Bed Surface % Boulders (250-<1000mm)" "Bed Surface % Boulders (250-<1000mm)" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_CB" "Bed Surface % Cobbles (64-<250mm)" "Bed Surface % Cobbles (64-<250mm)" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_DR" "Percent of Reach Length that is Dry" "Percent of Reach Length that is Dry" "INTERPRETATION" "pct_DRS" "Percent of Reach dry or submerged flow" "Percent of Reach dry or submerged flow" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_FA" "Percent of reach as Falls Habitat" "Percent of reach as Falls Habitat" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_FAST" "Percent Fast Water Habitat" "Percent Fast Water Habitat" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_FN" "Bed Surface % Fines <0.06mm" "Bed Surface % Fines <0.06mm" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_GC" "Bed Surface % Coarse Gravel (16-<64mm)" "Bed Surface % Coarse Gravel (16-<64mm)" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_GF" "Bed Surface % Fine Gravel (2.0-<16mm)" "Bed Surface % Fine Gravel (2.0-<16mm)" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_GL" "Percent of reach with Glide Habitat" "Percent of reach with Glide Habitat" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_GR" "Bed Surface % Gravel (2.0-<64mm)" "Bed Surface % Gravel (2.0-<64mm)" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_HP" "Bed Surface % Hardpan (>4000mm)" "Bed Surface % Hardpan (>4000mm)" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_OM" "Bed Surface % Organic Matter--- *** see PCT_ORG" "Bed Surface % Organic Matter--- *** see PCT_ORG" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_ORG" "Bed Surface % Organic Matter --- *** see PCT_OM" "Bed Surface % Organic Matter --- *** see PCT_OM" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_OT" "Bed Surface % Other" "Bed Surface % Other" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_OVRB" "Can you see over riverbank? % YES" "Can you see over riverbank? % YES" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_POOL" "Percent of reach with Pool" "Percent of reach with Pool" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_RC" "Bed Surface % Concrete or Asphalt" "Bed Surface % Concrete or Asphalt" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_RR" "Bed Surface % Rough Bedrock (>4000mm)" "Bed Surface % Rough Bedrock (>4000mm)" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_RS" "Bed Surface % Smooth Bedrock (>4000mm)" "Bed Surface % Smooth Bedrock (>4000mm)" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_SA" "Bed Surface % Sand 0.06-<2.0mm)" "Bed Surface % Sand 0.06-<2.0mm)" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_SAFN" "Bed Surface Percent Sand or smaller (<2.0mm)" "Bed Surface Percent Sand or smaller (<2.0mm)" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_SB" "Bed Surface % Small Boulders (250-<1000mm)" "Bed Surface % Small Boulders (250-<1000mm)" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_SFG" "Bed surface coarse gravel or smaller (<64mm) (PCT_SA + PCT_FN + PCT_GR)" "Bed surface coarse gravel or smaller (<64mm) (PCT_SFGF + PCT_GC)" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_SFG" "Bed surface coarse gravel or smaller (<64mm) (PCT_SA + PCT_FN + PCT_GR)" "Bed Surface Gravel or smaller (<64mm)" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_SFG" "Bed Surface Gravel or smaller (<64mm)" "Bed surface coarse gravel or smaller (<64mm) (PCT_SFGF + PCT_GC)" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_SFG" "Bed Surface Gravel or smaller (<64mm)" "Bed Surface Gravel or smaller (<64mm)" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_SFGF" "Bed Surface Fine Gravel or smaller (<16mm)" "Bed Surface Fine Gravel or smaller (<16mm)" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_SIDE" "Percent of reach with side Channels/Bkwtrs" "Percent of reach with side Channels/Bkwtrs" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_SLOW" "Percent of reach with Pool or Glide Habitat" "Percent of reach with Pool or Glide Habitat" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_WD" "Bed Surface % Wood" "Bed Surface % Wood" "INTERPRETATION" "PCT_XB" "Bed Surface % Large Boulders (1000-<4000mm)" "Bed Surface % Large Boulders (1000-<4000mm)" "INTERPRETATION" "PCTCLINOMETER" "Percent of Slope measured with Clinometer" "Percent of Slope measured with Clinometer" "INTERPRETATION" "PROTOCOL" "Field Sampling Type Wadeable/Boatable/mixed" "Field Sampling Type Wadeable/Boatable/mixed" "INTERPRETATION" "QR1" "Riparian Quality Index (Scaled 0 to 1):QR1=(QRVEG1*QRVEG2*QRDIST1)**(1/3)" "Riparian Quality Index (Scaled XCMGW XCdenBK W1Hall 0-1)" "INTERPRETATION" "QR1" "Riparian Quality Index (Scaled 0 to 1):QR1=(QRVEG1*QRVEG2*QRDIST1)**(1/3)" "Riparian Quality Index (Scaled 0 to 1):QR1=(QRVEG1*QRVEG2*QRDIST1)**(1/3)" "INTERPRETATION" "QR1" "Riparian Quality Index (Scaled XCMGW XCdenBK W1Hall 0-1)" "Riparian Quality Index (Scaled XCMGW XCdenBK W1Hall 0-1)" "INTERPRETATION" "QR1" "Riparian Quality Index (Scaled XCMGW XCdenBK W1Hall 0-1)" "Riparian Quality Index (Scaled 0 to 1):QR1=(QRVEG1*QRVEG2*QRDIST1)**(1/3)" "INTERPRETATION" "QRDIST1" "Riparian Disturbance index (1 - RDIST1)" "Riparian Disturbance index (1 - RDIST1)" "INTERPRETATION" "QRDIST1" "Riparian Disturbance index (1 - RDIST1)" "Riparian Index: Lack of Disturbance (Scaled 0 to 1): QRDIST1=1/(1+w1_hall)" "INTERPRETATION" "QRDIST1" "Riparian Index: Lack of Disturbance (Scaled 0 to 1): QRDIST1=1/(1+w1_hall)" "Riparian Disturbance index (1 - RDIST1)" "INTERPRETATION" "QRDIST1" "Riparian Index: Lack of Disturbance (Scaled 0 to 1): QRDIST1=1/(1+w1_hall)" "Riparian Index: Lack of Disturbance (Scaled 0 to 1): QRDIST1=1/(1+w1_hall)" "INTERPRETATION" "QRVeg1" "Riparian Veg Quality Index--Scaled XCMGW: QRVeg1=.1+(.9*(xcmgw/2.00))" "Riparian Veg Quality Index--Scaled XCMGW: QRVeg1=.1+(.9*(xcmgw/2.00))" "INTERPRETATION" "QRVeg2" "Riparian Veg Quality Index--Scaled XCDENBK: QRVeg2=.1+(0.9*(xcdenbk/100))" "Riparian Veg Quality Index--Scaled XCDENBK: QRVeg2=.1+(0.9*(xcdenbk/100))" "INTERPRETATION" "RDIST1" "Riparian Disturbance index (scaled W1_Hall 0-1)" "Riparian Disturbance index (scaled W1_Hall 0-1)" "INTERPRETATION" "RDIST1" "Riparian Disturbance index (scaled W1_Hall 0-1)" "Riparian Disturbance index--scaled W1_Hall (0 to 1): RDIST1=1-(1/(1+w1_hall))" "INTERPRETATION" "RDIST1" "Riparian Disturbance index--scaled W1_Hall (0 to 1): RDIST1=1-(1/(1+w1_hall))" "Riparian Disturbance index (scaled W1_Hall 0-1)" "INTERPRETATION" "RDIST1" "Riparian Disturbance index--scaled W1_Hall (0 to 1): RDIST1=1-(1/(1+w1_hall))" "Riparian Disturbance index--scaled W1_Hall (0 to 1): RDIST1=1-(1/(1+w1_hall))" "INTERPRETATION" "REACHLEN" "Sample Reach Length (m)" "Sample Reach Length (m)" "INTERPRETATION" "REALM" "Type of Site for PHab: Wadeable or Boatable Method" "Type of Site for PHab: Wadeable or Boatable Method" "INTERPRETATION" "REALM" "Type of Site for PHab: Wadeable or Boatable Method" "Type of Site for PHab: Wadeable or Boatable Method" "INTERPRETATION" "REALM" "Type of Site for PHab: Wadeable or Boatable Method" "Type of Site for PHab: Wadeable or Boatable Method" "INTERPRETATION" "REALM" "Type of Site for PHab: Wadeable or Boatable Method" "Type of Site for PHab: Wadeable or Boatable Method" "INTERPRETATION" "RP100" "Mean Residual Depth at thalweg (cm)" "Mean Residual Depth at thalweg (cm)" "INTERPRETATION" "RP100_cm" "Mean Residual Depth at thalweg (cm)" "Mean Residual Depth at thalweg (cm)" "INTERPRETATION" "RPGT50" "Residual Pools >50cm res-depth (number/reach)" "Residual Pools >50cm res-depth (number/reach)" "INTERPRETATION" "RPGT75" "Residual Pools >75cm res-depth (number/reach)" "Residual Pools >75cm res-depth (number/reach)" "INTERPRETATION" "RPMXDEP" "Maximum residual Depth (___)" "Maximum residual Depth (___)" "INTERPRETATION" "RPMXDEP_CM" "Maximum residual depth in reach (cm), converted from raw data in m" "Maximum residual depth in reach (cm)" "INTERPRETATION" "RPMXDEP_CM" "Maximum residual depth in reach (cm), converted from raw data in m" "Maximum residual Depth in reach (cm)" "INTERPRETATION" "RPMXDEP_CM" "Maximum residual Depth in reach (cm)" "Maximum residual depth in reach (cm)" "INTERPRETATION" "RPMXDEP_CM" "Maximum residual Depth in reach (cm)" "Maximum residual Depth in reach (cm)" "INTERPRETATION" "RpRat" "Residual Depth proportion (RP100/XDepth_cm)" "Residual Depth proportion (RP100/XDepth_cm)" "INTERPRETATION" "RPXDEP" "Mean maximum depth of residual Pools in reach (__)" "Mean maximum depth of residual Pools in reach (__)" "INTERPRETATION" "RPXDEP_CM" "Mean maximum depth of residual Pools in reach (cm)" "Mean maximum depth of residual Pools in reach (cm)" "INTERPRETATION" "RPXDEP_CM" "Mean maximum depth of residual Pools in reach (cm)" "Mean residual pool depth in reach (cm/pool)" "INTERPRETATION" "RPXDEP_CM" "Mean residual pool depth in reach (cm/pool), converted from raw data in m" "Mean maximum depth of residual Pools in reach (cm)" "INTERPRETATION" "RPXDEP_CM" "Mean residual pool depth in reach (cm/pool), converted from raw data in m" "Mean residual pool depth in reach (cm/pool)" "INTERPRETATION" "SDDEPTH" "Std Dev. of Thalweg Depth (cm)" "Std Dev. of Thalweg Depth (cm)" "INTERPRETATION" "SDDEPTH_CM" "Std deviation of thalweg depth (cm), converted from raw data in m" "Std deviation of thalweg depth (cm)" "INTERPRETATION" "SDDEPTH_CM" "Std deviation of thalweg depth (cm), converted from raw data in m" "Std Dev. of Thalweg Depth (cm)" "INTERPRETATION" "SDDEPTH_CM" "Std Dev. of Thalweg Depth (cm)" "Std deviation of thalweg depth (cm)" "INTERPRETATION" "SDDEPTH_CM" "Std Dev. of Thalweg Depth (cm)" "Std Dev. of Thalweg Depth (cm)" "INTERPRETATION" "SDINC_H" "Std Dev of Terrace Height above water level" "Std Dev of Terrace Height above water level" "INTERPRETATION" "SDWD_RAT" "Std Dev of Wetted Width-Depth Ratio" "Std Dev of Wetted Width-Depth Ratio" "INTERPRETATION" "SDWIDTH" "Std Dev of Wetted Width (m)" "Std Dev of Wetted Width (m)" "INTERPRETATION" "SDWXD" "Std Dev of Wetted Width x Thalweg Depth (m2)" "Std Dev of Wetted Width x Thalweg Depth (m2)" "INTERPRETATION" "SINU" "Sinuosity of sample reach" "Sinuosity of sample reach" "INTERPRETATION" "SURVEY_YRS" "NARS Survey Years (eg, 0809, 1314, 1819)" "NARS Survey Years (eg, 0809, 1314, 1819)" "INTERPRETATION" "V1W_MSQ" "Bankfull Channel Wood Volume (m3/m2) Size=T+S+M+L+X (EPA/620/R-99/003 p53)" "Bankfull Channel Wood Volume (m3/m2) Size=T+S+M+L+X (EPA/620/R-99/003 p53)" "INTERPRETATION" "V1WM100" "Bankfull Channel Wood Volume (m3/100m) Size=T+S+M+L+X (EPA/620/R-99/003 p53)" "Bankfull Channel Wood Volume (m3/100m) Size=T+S+M+L+X (EPA/620/R-99/003 p53)" "INTERPRETATION" "V2W_MSQ" "Bankfull Channel Wood Volume (m3/m2) Size=S+M+L+X (EPA/620/R-99/003 p53)" "Bankfull Channel Wood Volume (m3/m2) Size=S+M+L+X (EPA/620/R-99/003 p53)" "INTERPRETATION" "V2WM100" "Bankfull Channel Wood Volume (m3/100m) Size=S+M+L+X (EPA/620/R-99/003 p53)" "Bankfull Channel Wood Volume (m3/100m) Size=S+M+L+X (EPA/620/R-99/003 p53)" "INTERPRETATION" "V4W_MSQ" "Bankfull Channel Wood Volume (m3/m2) Size=L+X (EPA/620/R-99/003 p53)" "Bankfull Channel Wood Volume (m3/m2) Size=L+X (EPA/620/R-99/003 p53)" "INTERPRETATION" "V4WM100" "Bankfull Channel Wood Volume (m3/100m) Size=L+X (EPA/620/R-99/003 p53)" "Bankfull Channel Wood Volume (m3/100m) Size=L+X (EPA/620/R-99/003 p53)" "INTERPRETATION" "W1_HAG" "Human Agricultural Influence Index(distance-wtd tally of types & presence)" "Human Agricultural Influence Index(distance-wtd tally of types & presence)" "INTERPRETATION" "W1_HALL" "Human Disturbance Index(distance-wtd tally of types and presence)" "Human Disturbance Index(distance-wtd tally of types and presence)" "INTERPRETATION" "W1_HNOAG" "Human Non-Agric. Disturb. Index (distance wtd tally of types & presence)" "Human Non-Agric. Disturb. Index (distance wtd tally of types & presence)" "INTERPRETATION" "W1H_BLDG" "Near Stream Human Dist: Buildings (distance-wtd tally of presence)" "Near Stream Human Dist: Buildings (distance-wtd tally of presence)" "INTERPRETATION" "W1H_CROP" "Near Stream Human Dist: Row Crops (distance-wtd tally of presence)" "Near Stream Human Dist: Row Crops (distance-wtd tally of presence)" "INTERPRETATION" "W1H_LDFL" "Near Stream Human Dist: Trash/Landfill (distance-wtd tally of presence)" "Near Stream Human Dist: Trash/Landfill (distance-wtd tally of presence)" "INTERPRETATION" "W1H_LOG" "Near Stream Human Dist: Logging (distance-wtd tally of presence)" "Near Stream Human Dist: Logging (distance-wtd tally of presence)" "INTERPRETATION" "W1H_MINE" "Near Stream Human Dist: Mining (distance-wtd tally of presence)" "Near Stream Human Dist: Mining (distance-wtd tally of presence)" "INTERPRETATION" "W1H_PARK" "Near Stream Human Dist: Park/Lawn (distance-wtd tally of presence)" "Near Stream Human Dist: Park/Lawn (distance-wtd tally of presence)" "INTERPRETATION" "W1H_PIPE" "Near Stream Human Dist: Pipe influent/effluent (distance-wtd tally of presence)" "Near Stream Human Dist: Pipe influent/effluent (distance-wtd tally of presence)" "INTERPRETATION" "W1H_PSTR" "Near Stream Human Dist: Pasture/Hayfield (distance-wtd tally of presence)" "Near Stream Human Dist: Pasture/Hayfield (distance-wtd tally of presence)" "INTERPRETATION" "W1H_PVMT" "Near Stream Human Dist: Pavement/parking lot(distance-wtd tally of presence)" "Near Stream Human Dist: Pavement/parking lot(distance-wtd tally of presence)" "INTERPRETATION" "W1H_ROAD" "Near Stream Human Dist: Road/Railroad (distance-wtd tally of presence)" "Near Stream Human Dist: Road/Railroad (distance-wtd tally of presence)" "INTERPRETATION" "W1H_WALL" "Near Stream Human Dist: Walls/dikes/revetments(distance-wtd tally of presence)" "Near Stream Human Dist: Walls/dikes/revetments(distance-wtd tally of presence)" "INTERPRETATION" "XBEARING" "Compass Bearing Sighted upstream (Degrees)" "Compass Bearing Sighted upstream (Degrees)" "INTERPRETATION" "XBKA" "Bank Angle (mean degrees)" "Bank Angle (mean degrees)" "INTERPRETATION" "XBKF_H" "Mean Bankfull Height above wetted channel (m)" "Mean Bankfull Height above wetted channel (m)" "INTERPRETATION" "XBKF_W" "Mean Bankfull Width (m)" "Mean Bankfull Width (m)" "INTERPRETATION" "XC" "Canopy Mean Areal Cover proportion" "Canopy Mean Areal Cover proportion" "INTERPRETATION" "XCDENBK" "Canopy Density at bank (mean percent)" "Canopy Density at bank (mean percent)" "INTERPRETATION" "XCDENMID" "Canopy Density at mid-channel (mean percent)" "Canopy Density at mid-channel (mean percent)" "INTERPRETATION" "XCEMBED" "Embeddedness Center of Channel (Mean % wetted streambed)" "Embeddedness Center of Channel (Mean % wetted streambed)" "INTERPRETATION" "XCL" "Large diameter (Dbh>0.3m) Tree Canopy Areal Cover proportion" "Large diameter (Dbh>0.3m) Tree Canopy Areal Cover proportion" "INTERPRETATION" "XCM" "Sum of Canopy+Mid layer vegetation areal cover proportion" "Sum of Canopy+Mid layer vegetation areal cover proportion" "INTERPRETATION" "XCMG" "Sum of Canopy+Mid+Ground layer areal cover proportion" "Sum of Canopy+Mid+Ground layer areal cover proportion" "INTERPRETATION" "XCMGW" "Sum of Woody Canopy+Mid+Ground layer areal cover proportion" "Sum of Woody Canopy+Mid+Ground layer areal cover proportion" "INTERPRETATION" "XCMW" "Sum of Woody Canopy+Mid layer vegetation areal cover proportion" "Sum of Woody Canopy+Mid layer vegetation areal cover proportion" "INTERPRETATION" "XCS" "Small diameter (Dbh<0.3m) Tree Canopy Areal Cover proportion" "Small diameter (Dbh<0.3m) Tree Canopy Areal Cover proportion" "INTERPRETATION" "XDEPTH" "Mean thalweg depth" "Mean thalweg depth" "INTERPRETATION" "XDEPTH_CM" "Mean thalweg depth (cm), converted from raw data in m" "Mean thalweg depth (cm)" "INTERPRETATION" "XDEPTH_CM" "Mean thalweg depth (cm), converted from raw data in m" "Mean thalweg depth (cm)" "INTERPRETATION" "XDEPTH_CM" "Mean thalweg depth (cm)" "Mean thalweg depth (cm)" "INTERPRETATION" "XDEPTH_CM" "Mean thalweg depth (cm)" "Mean thalweg depth (cm)" "INTERPRETATION" "XEMBED" "Mean streambed embeddedness (%)" "Mean streambed embeddedness (%)" "INTERPRETATION" "XFC_ALG" "Instream Cover: Filamentous algae (areal proportion)" "Instream Cover: Filamentous algae (areal proportion)" "INTERPRETATION" "XFC_ALL" "Instream Cover Sum: All except algae and aquatic macrophytes (areal proportion)" "Instream Cover Sum: All except algae and aquatic macrophytes (areal proportion)" "INTERPRETATION" "XFC_AQM" "Instream Cover: Aquatic macrophytes (areal proportion)" "Instream Cover: Aquatic macrophytes (areal proportion)" "INTERPRETATION" "XFC_BIG" "Instream Cover Sum: wood, boulders, over-hang banks, human structures (areal proportion)" "Instream Cover Sum: wood, boulders, over-hang banks, human structures (areal proportion)" "INTERPRETATION" "XFC_BRS" "Instream Cover: Brush (areal proportion)" "Instream Cover: Brush (areal proportion)" "INTERPRETATION" "XFC_HUM" "Instream Cover: Anthropogenic Structures/Trash (areal proportion)" "Instream Cover: Anthropogenic Structures/Trash (areal proportion)" "INTERPRETATION" "XFC_LVT" "Instream Cover: Live Trees (areal proportion)" "Instream Cover: Live Trees (areal proportion)" "INTERPRETATION" "XFC_LWD" "Instream Cover: Large woody debris (areal proportion)" "Instream Cover: Large woody debris (areal proportion)" "INTERPRETATION" "XFC_NAT" "Instream Cover Sum: non-anthropogenic cover types (areal proportion)" "Instream Cover Sum: non-anthropogenic cover types (areal proportion)" "INTERPRETATION" "XFC_OHV" "Instream Cover: Overhanging Vegetation <1m above surface (areal proportion)" "Instream Cover: Overhanging Vegetation <1m above surface (areal proportion)" "INTERPRETATION" "XFC_RCK" "Instream Cover: Rocks and Ledges (areal proportion)" "Instream Cover: Rocks and Ledges (areal proportion)" "INTERPRETATION" "XFC_UCB" "Instream Cover: Overhanging Banks (areal proportion)" "Instream Cover: Overhanging Banks (areal proportion)" "INTERPRETATION" "XG" "Same as XGveg?" "Same as XGveg?" "INTERPRETATION" "XGB" "Barren ground layer areal cover" "Barren ground layer areal cover" "INTERPRETATION" "XGH" "Non-woody ground layer areal cover" "Non-woody ground layer areal cover" "INTERPRETATION" "XGveg" "Ground layer Vegetated areal cover" "Ground layer Vegetated areal cover" "INTERPRETATION" "XGW" "Woody ground layer areal cover" "Woody ground layer areal cover" "INTERPRETATION" "XINC_H" "Terrace Height above water level (m)" "Terrace Height above water level (m)" "INTERPRETATION" "XM" "Mid-Layer areal cover" "Mid-Layer areal cover" "INTERPRETATION" "XMH" "Mid-Layer Herbaceous areal cover" "Mid-Layer Herbaceous areal cover" "INTERPRETATION" "XMW" "Mid-Layer Woody areal cover" "Mid-Layer Woody areal cover" "INTERPRETATION" "XPCAN" "Canopy Presence: proportion of reach" "Canopy Presence: proportion of reach" "INTERPRETATION" "XPCM" "Canopy+Mid-layer Presence: proportion of reach" "Canopy+Mid-layer Presence: proportion of reach" "INTERPRETATION" "XPCMG" "Canopy+Mid+Ground-layer Presence: proportion of reach" "Canopy+Mid+Ground-layer Presence: proportion of reach" "INTERPRETATION" "XPMGW" "Woody Canopy+Mid+Ground-layer Presence: proportion of reach" "Woody Canopy+Mid+Ground-layer Presence: proportion of reach" "INTERPRETATION" "XPMID" "Mid-layer Presence: proportion of reach" "Mid-layer Presence: proportion of reach" "INTERPRETATION" "XSHOR2VG" "Distance (m) from shoreline to vegetation Boatable only" "Distance (m) from shoreline to vegetation Boatable only" "INTERPRETATION" "XSLOPE" "Mean Slope of water surface (%)" "Mean Slope of water surface (%)" "INTERPRETATION" "XSLOPE_FIELD" "Mean Slope of water surface-Field measurement (%)" "Mean Slope of water surface-Field measurement (%)" "INTERPRETATION" "XSLOPE_MAP" "Mean Slope of water surface-Map-derived measurement (%)" "Mean Slope of water surface-Map-derived measurement (%)" "INTERPRETATION" "XSLOPE_use" "Mean Slope of water surface-used used in assessment (%)" "Mean Slope of water surface-used used in assessment (%)" "INTERPRETATION" "XUN" "Mean bank undercut distance (m)" "Mean bank undercut distance (m)" "INTERPRETATION" "XWD_RAT" "Mean Wetted Width/Thalweg Depth ratio" "Mean Wetted Width/Thalweg Depth ratio" "INTERPRETATION" "XWIDTH" "Mean Wetted Width (m)" "Mean Wetted Width (m)" "INTERPRETATION" "XWXD" "Mean Wetted Width x Thalweg depth (m2)" "Mean Wetted Width x Thalweg depth (m2)"