COLUMN_NAME SAMPLE_TYPE UNITS LABEL FORMABBR VAR_TYPE RANGE_HIGH RANGE_LOW LEGAL_VALUES DATE_COL Date of primary site visit DATE_COL SITEINFO Date of primary site visit POINT CHARACTER FQAI_ALL PLANT "Floristic Quality Index with all species. Sum(CC)/sqrt(N) where CC is coefficient of conservatism, N is number of species" 0 FQAI_ALL_SC PLANT Metric score for FQAI based on all taxa NUMERIC N_TOL PLANT Number (Richness) Tolerant Species; C <= 4 0 N_TOL_SC PLANT "Metric score for Number of Tolerant plant species, C <= 4" NUMERIC RIMP_NATSPP PLANT Mean relative importance ((RFREQ + XRCOV)/2) of all native species 0 RIMP_NATSPP_SC PLANT Metric score for mean relative importance of all native species NUMERIC SITE_ID SITEINFO Identification code for site POINT CHARACTER SITE_ID Identification code for site SITE_USE Result classifies each point in a way that indicates how a point can be used in analysis or not SITE_USE SITEINFO Result classifies each point in a way that indicates how a point can be used in analysis or not CHARACTER NWCA_DO_NOT_USE|NWCA_NOT_NEEDED|NWCA_NOT_PROBABILITY|NWCA_NOT_SAMPLED|NWCA_PROBABILITY|NWCA_REVISITS STATE State abbreviation STATE SITEINFO State abbreviation CHARACTER UID Unique identification number for a site visit VEGCOND PLANT "Vegetation MMI Condition Class, based on thresholds developed within ECO_X_ST group" CHARACTER VISIT_NO Visit number within the year VISIT_NO SITEINFO Visit number within the year POINT CHARACTER VMMI PLANT Vegetation Multimetric Index (MMI) score NUMERIC XRCOV_MONOCOTS_NAT PLANT Mean relative cover of Native MONOCOT species 100 0 XRCOV_MONOCOTS_NAT_SC PLANT Metric score for mean relative cover of native monocots NUMERIC