Engaging Young People Drawing on interviews with former Educate, Motivate Innovate Initiative student panelists, we will share insights on both how to engage young people and how young people participate in environmental justice. Listening to all voices of a community is a central value of environmental justice. The Educate, Motivate, Innovate Initiative is an opportunity for our next generation of environmental justice leaders to engage with environmental elders and activists as well as influential members of academia, government and non-governmental organizations. Previous participants expressed these connections are not always valued by young people. Kareem Heshmat said, young people don't value civic engagement. These participants all express an appreciation for learning from the community. The EMI Initiative does not only establish connections between young students and elders, it encourages the deepening of local, community connections. Research projects come from local work and observation. Previous participant, Ashley Logan, shared how she came to her research topic. (Ashley) Me Growing up in a poverty area, I could understand what she was saying, when you go to the grocery store there's no fresh food. The Challenge pushes students to elevate their involvement by creating professional, visible partnerships through the research project. Kareem said, (Kareem) I first became interested in this by living in different areas in Baltimore, West End in Atlanta, Phoenix, San Antonio, and Houston. I began to notice the same endemic indicators of poverty related to infrastructure like low quality housing, pollution, bulk dumping, lack of ownership in the community. The EMI Initiative helps students to start making connections between their academic studies to professional settings. Through the Educate, Motivate, Innovate Challenge, students are encouraged to engage with their communities, hone their local knowledge, and participate in the environmental justice movement in meaningful ways. Engaging in community and in partnerships helps strengthen environmental justice across generations, backgrounds, and organizations.