COLUMN_NAME LABEL LEGAL_VALUES RANGE_HIGH RANGE_LOW VAR_TYPE AG_ECO3 "NARS 3-level reporting region (2015), based on aggregating AG_ECO9 reporting regions. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" EHIGH|PLNLOW|WMTNS| CHARACTER AG_ECO3_NM "NARS 3-level reporting region name. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" Eastern Highlands|Plains and Lowlands|West| CHARACTER AG_ECO9 "NARS 9-level reporting region, based on aggregated Omernik Level III ecoregions. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" CPL|NAP|NPL|SAP|SPL|TPL|UMW|WMT|XER| CHARACTER AG_ECO9_NM "NARS 9-level reporting region name. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" Coastal Plains|Northern Appalachians|Northern Plains|Southern Appalachians|Southern Plains|Temperate Plains|Upper Midwest|Western Mountains|Xeric| CHARACTER CNTYNAME "County name (source ESRI counties based on census 2010). No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" CHARACTER COAST_REG "FWS S & T coastal region name. Used by US Fish and Wildlife Service to identify coastal wetland region. \NotCoast\"" if not in coastal region. No missing values allowed.""" Great Lakes Region|Gulf Coast Region|North East Coast Region|Pacific Coast Region|South East Coast Region|Not Coast| CHARACTER COE_REG_ID "US Army Corps region name shorten for printing purposes. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" ARID_W|CSTL_PLAIN|E_MTNS|GT_PLAINS|MIDWEST|NE|W_MTNS| CHARACTER COE_REGION "Corps of Engineers wetland regions. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" "Arid West|Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain|Eastern Mountains and Piedmont|Great Plains|Midwest|Northcentral and Northeast|Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast|" CHARACTER COE_SUBREG "Corps of Engineers wetland sub-regions. All values begin with LRR. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" CHARACTER DATE_COL Date site was visited CHARACTER EPA_REG "EPA Region. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" Region_01|Region_02|Region_03|Region_04|Region_05|Region_06|Region_07|Region_08|Region_09|Region_10| CHARACTER EVAL_CAT "NWCA site evaluation result. Hand-picked site evaluation is Target_Sampled. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" CHARACTER HUC10 "USGS Level 10 Hydrologic Unit Code where wetland is located. where region 10-digit code is preceded by letter H. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" CHARACTER HUC10_NM "USGS Level 10 Hydrologic Unit Name where wetland is located. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" CHARACTER HUC12 "USGS Level 12 Hydrologic Unit Code where wetland is located. Region 12-digit code is preceded by letter H. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" CHARACTER HYD_CLS Hydrologic class based on NWCA aggregated wetland classes INLAND|TIDAL LAT_ANALYS "Latitude in decimal degrees of wetland site sampled or design latitude if site not sampled. Used for analyses where actual plot location is required. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" NUMERIC LAT_DD83 "Latitude in decimal degrees of wetland site at the evaluated or sampled site location for 2011 and design latitude for wetland site for 2016. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" NUMERIC LON_ANALYS "Longitude in decimal degrees of wetland site sampled or design longitude if site not sampled. Used for analyses where actual plot location is required. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" NUMERIC LON_DD83 "Longitude in decimal degrees of wetland site from the survey design, , i.e., \design longitude.\"" Note that this is at the evaluated or sampled site location for NWCA 2011 due to concerns about location of sites that were moved and design longitude for wetland site for 2016. No missing or \""blank\"" values allowed.""" NUMERIC LRR_NAME "NRCS Land Resource Area name. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" CHARACTER LRR_SYM "NRCS Land Resource Area symbol. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" CHARACTER MAJ_BAS_NM "Name of major USGS Hydrologic Basins derived from NHDPlus codes. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" Arkansas-White-Red Region|California Region| Great Basin Region|Great Lakes Region|Lower Colorado Region|Lower Mississippi Region|Mid Atlantic Region|Missouri Region|New England Region|Ohio-Tennessee Region|Pacific Northwest Region|Rio Grande-Texas-Gulf Region|Souris-Red-Rainy Region|South Atlantic Gulf Region|Upper Colorado Region|Upper Mississippi Region| CHARACTER MAJ_BASIN "Major USGS Hydrologic Basins code derived from NHDPlus codes. Has leading \H\"" to preserve leading zeros. No missing or \""blank\"" values allowed.""" H01|H02|H03|H04|H05_H06|H07|H08|H09|H10|H11|H12_H13|H14|H15|H16|H17|H18 CHARACTER MLRA_ID "NRCS Major Land Resource Area code. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" NUMERIC MLRA_NAME "NRCS Major Land Resource Area name. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" CHARACTER MLRARSYM "NRCS Major Land Resource Area region code. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" CHARACTER NEP_NAME "National Estuary Program name if site is in the NEP or Chesapeake Bay if site in Chesapeake Bay. \Not_NEP\"" if site is not in any NEP or Chesapeake Bay. No missing or \""blank\"" values allowed.""" Albemarle-Pamlico Sounds|Barataria-Terrebonne NEP|Barnegat Bay|Buzzards Bay Estuary Program|Casco Bay Estuary Partnership|Charlotte Harbor NEP|Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries|Delaware Estuary|Delaware Inland Bays|Galveston Bay|Indian River Lagoon|Long Island Sound Study|Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership|Maryland Coastal Bays|Massachusetts Bays|Mobile Bay|Narragansett Bay|New Your-New Jersey Harbor|Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership|Peconic Estuary Program|Puget Sound Partnership|San Francisco Estuary Partnership|Santa Monica Bay|Sarasota Bay|Tampa Bay|Tillamook Estuaries|Chesapeake Bay|Not_NEP| CHARACTER NEP_NAT "Site is located in a National Estuary Program watershed. NEP if site is in an NEP; Not_NEP if not. Does not include Chesapeake Bay as an NEP. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" NEP|Not_NEP| CHARACTER NWC_CREG11 NWCA regions for coefficients of conservation defined for NWCA 2011. For 2011 these are state PSTL_CODE. CHARACTER NWC_CREG16 "NWCA regions for coefficients of conservation defined for NWCA 2016. Regions are continuing to be updated. Some are only a state level and some are for subregions of a state. Generally, the values begin with two-letter postal code and if state has a subregion then followed by \_\"" and subregion letter code. No missing or \""blank\"" values allowed.""" CHARACTER NWCA_ECO4 "4 NWCA aggregated ecoregions. AG_ECO9 is collapsed to make CPL = CPL, EMU = NAP, SAP, UMW; IPL = NPL, SPL, TPL; and W = WMT, XER. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" CPL| EMU|IPL| W| CHARACTER NWCA_ECO5 "5 NWCA aggregated ecoregions. AG_ECO9 is collapsed to make CPL = CPL, EMU = NAP, SAP, UMW; IPL = NPL, SPL, TPL; and WMT = WMT, XER = XER. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" CPL| EMU|IPL| WMT|XER| CHARACTER OWN_NARS "Land ownership code derived from USGS PADUS ( - pulled May 2016 version of database. Aggregated to categories used by NARS. Text of 13 land ownership category names. Similar to OWN_TYPE in USGS PADUS dataset except that Federal_Land is separated into major federal agencies. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" BLM|BOR|DOD|Forest Service|FWS|NOAA|Non Federal|NPS|Tribal Land - PAD| CHARACTER PANEL_RVST "Sets of sites and the pattern of their being evaluated in one or more design cycles regardless whether the sites are probability or hand-picked. As new design cycles are added for NWCA, PANEL_RVST values must be updated. Form is NWC_XX_XX_XX_etc. Where XX equal design cycle year or NO if not evaluated and position designates the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd design cycles. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" NWC_11|NWC_11_NO|NWC_11_16|NWC_NO_16 NWC_11_NO_NO|NWC_11_16_NO|NWC_11_NO_21| NWC_11_16_21|NWC_NO_16_NO|NWC_NO_16_21|NWC_NO_NO_21 | CHARACTER PANEL_SOT "Survey over time sets of sites for only probability sites. As new design cycles are added for NWCA, PANEL_SOT values must be updated. Form is NWC_XX_XX_XX_etc. Where XX equal design cycle year or NO if not evaluated and position designates the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd design cycles. Note that all possible combinates for PANEL_RVST may not be present for PANEL_SOT. For hand-picked sites, value is HAND. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" NWC_11|NWC_11_NO| NWC_11_16|NWC_NO_16|NWC_11_NO_NO|NWC_11_16_NO|NWC_11_NO_21|NWC_11_16_21|NWC_NO_16_NO|NWC_NO_16_21|NWC_NO_NO_21|HAND| CHARACTER PANEL_USE "NWCA Panel Assignment used in implementing the survey design when sites must be replaced due to not being a target site or site cannot be sampled. Hand-picked sites have value \HAND\"". Assigned where survey design is completed and never changed. No missing or \""blank\"" values allowed.""" CHARACTER PANEL_WGT "Sets of probability sites required for the weight adjustment for each design cycle. PANEL_WGT is not changed when future design cycles are completed. For initial design cycle: NWC11_11. For second design cycle: NWC16_11_NTS, NWC16_11_TSNS, NWC16_11_TSS and NWC16_16.Hand-picked sites assigned as HAND, since they are not a probability site. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" CHARACTER PHYS_REG "FWS Physiographic Region code. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed. Text with leading P followed by 2-digit numbers from 01 to 36.""" 36 1 CHARACTER PROB_CAT "NWCA unequal probability categories used within a stratum. Hand-picked sites have value of \None\"" as they are not a site from probability design. No missing values or \""blank\"" values allowed.""" CHARACTER PSTL_CODE "State two letter postal code for site sampled. 50 state postal codes plus AS, MP, GU, PR, VI for American Samoa, Commonwealth of Northern Marianas, Guam, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" CHARACTER PUBLICATION_DATE Date the dataset was published to the NARS site RPT_UNIT "NWCA Reporting unit code based on NWCA aggregated wetland classes, aggregated Omernik Level III ecoregions, and state to distinguish coastal from inland wetlands by region" ARW|ATL|GFC|GPL|ICP|NCE|PAC|SAP|TPL|WVM RPT_UNITNM Full name of NWCA reporting unit Arid West|Atlantic Coast|Gulf & Florida Coasts|Great Plains|Inland Coastal Plains|North Central East|Pacific Coast|Temperate Plains|Western Valleys & Mountains RPTGRP_10 "Combination of 4 NWCA ecoregions (NWCA_ECO4) by 4 Aggregated Wetland classes (WETCLS_EVL). Initially defined for NWCA 2011. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" ALL-EH|ALL-EW|CPL-PRLH|CPL-PRLW|EMU-PRLH|EMU-PRLW|IPL-PRLH|IPL-PRLW|W-PRLH|W-PRLW | CHARACTER RPTGRP_12 "Combination of 5 NWCA ecoregions (NWCA_ECO5) by 4 Aggregated Wetland classes (WETCLS_EVL). Initially defined for NWCA 2016. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" ALL-EH|ALL-EW|CPL-PRLH|CPL-PRLW|EMU-PRLH|EMU-PRLW|IPL-PRLH|IPL-PRLW|WMT-PRLH|WMT-PRLW|XER-PRLH|XER-PRLW| CHARACTER SITE_ID NWCA Site ID CHARACTER SITESAMP Original site is sampleable CHARACTER SITETYPE "Site type (Probability-based or hand-picked). PROB for sites from probability survey. HAND for hand-picked sites. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" PROB|HAND| CHARACTER SOURCE "Sample frame source of wetland plots. In 2011 all were from FWS Status and Trends plots (FWS_ST_2005) from 2005 except for Minnesota which has its own sample frame from 2006-8 and Ohio which had it own sample frame. In 2016, frame is combination of FWS Status and Trends plots from 2009 (FWS_ST_2009) and NWI National Digital Map wetland coverage (NWI_2015) where additional 2x2 sq mi plots were selected using FWS S&T grid. For 2016 Minnesota used sample frame from 2009-11. No missing or blank values." FWS_ST_2005|FWS_ST_2009|MN_FRAME_2011|OH_FRAME_2011| NWI_2015|MN_FRAME_2016|HAND| CHARACTER STATE_NM "State to which stream reach is assigned for sampling in NRSA. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" CHARACTER STATECTY "FIPS state and county code. Text with leading \F\"" before code. No missing or \""blank\"" values allowed.""" CHARACTER STRATUM "Strata used in NRSA survey design. Hand-picked sites assigned value of \None\"". No missing or \""blank\"" values allowed.""" CHARACTER TNT_CAT "NWCA target status assigned based on wetland site evaluation. For population estimation must combine with SITETYPE to restrict to probability survey sites. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" Target| Target_Not_Assessed|Target_Presumed|Uncertain|Non_Target|Not_Needed CHARACTER UID Unique identifier for the site/visit UNIQUE_ID "Unique site ID based on location that does not depend on year sampled or any other factor. Form is NWC_ss_nnnnn where ss state and nnnnn is number that starts at 10001. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed. NA""" US_L3CODE "Omernik Level III ecoregion code. Coded as \0\"" if ecoregions have not been defined for state or territory. No missing or \""blank\"" values allowed.""" 85 1 NUMERIC US_L3NAME "Omernik Level III ecoregion name. \None\"" if no ecoregion defined for state or territory. No missing or \""blank\"" values allowed.""" CHARACTER US_L4CODE "Omernik Level IV ecoregion code. Level three codes plus alphabetic ending identifying level 4 subregion. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" CHARACTER US_L4NAME "Omernik Level III ecoregion name. \None\"" if no ecoregion defined for state or territory. No missing or \""blank\"" values allowed.""" CHARACTER VISIT_NO Visit Number CHARACTER WETCLS_DSN "Wetland Class used in survey design. Classes are from FWS Status and Trend plots or NWI National Digital Map plots. Classes in NWI were matched to Status and Trend classes. SOURCE_PH1 variable identifies origin of plot: Status and Trend or NWI National Digitial Map. Value of \None\"" if site is a HAND site.""" E2EM|E2SS|PEM|PF|PFO|PSS|PUBPAB|None CHARACTER WETCLS_EVL "Wetland class from site evaluation. If sampled in field, then wetland class assigned when sampled. If evaluated in field but not sampled, then wetland class assigned from field visit. If site only evaluated in office, then wetland class assigned at that time. If no site evaluation information on wetland class, then wetland class assigned wetland class used for the survey design. Hand-picked sites should be assigned during field sampling. Wetland classes use FWS S&T classes. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" E2EM|E2SS|PEM|PF|PFO|PSS|PUBPAB| CHARACTER WETCLS_GRP "4 NWCA aggregated wetland classes used for reporting. EH is estuarine herbaceous (E2EM); EW is estuarine woody (E2SS); PRLH is inland herbaceous (PEM, PF, PUBPAB); PRLW is inland woody (PFO, PSS). No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" EH|EW|PRLH|PRLW| CHARACTER WETCLS_HGM "Wetland HGM class determined in field. Only available for target sampled sites. It is possible for a sampled site not to have HGM assigned. In this case the value is UND for undetermined. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" DPRSS|FLATS|FRINGE|RIVERINE|SLOPE|TIDAL|UND CHARACTER WGT_CAT "NWCA categories used to adjust weights for each design cycle. Hand-picked sites assigned value of \NONE\"". No missing or \""blank\"" values allowed.""" CHARACTER WGT_TP "NWCA adjusted weight for site when want estimates to be for the Target Population. For IND_DOMAIN equal to EXTENT, these are the weights to use for population estimates. For other IND_DOMAIN values includes weight adjustments to account for sites with unknow status and when site status is known to be target but not sampled. Currently, the latter is not available. >0 or 0 if site is not to be used for target population estimation. Weight unit is acres." 0 NUMERIC XCOORD "x-coordinate from US Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic projection. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed. Projection: sph = \""GRS80\"", clon = -96, clat = 37.5, sp1 = 29.5, sp2 = 45.5""" NUMERIC YCOORD "y-coordinate from US Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic projection. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed. Projection: sph = \""GRS80\"", clon = -96, clat = 37.5, sp1 = 29.5, sp2 = 45.5""" NUMERIC