COLUMN_NAME DESCRIPTION LEGAL_VALUES UID Unique identifier for the site/visit SITE_ID NWCA Site ID VISIT_NO Visit Number UNIQUE_ID "Unique site ID based on location that does not depend on year sampled or any other factor. Form is NWC_ss_nnnnn where ss state and nnnnn is number that starts at 10001. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed. NA""" DSGN_CYCLE NWCA survey design time period. No missing or blank values allowed. 2011|2016|2021 SITETYPE "Site type (Probability-based or hand-picked). PROB for sites from probability survey. HAND for hand-picked sites. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" PROB|HAND| WGT_TP "NWCA adjusted weight for site, used to create population estimates for the Target Population. They account for sites with unknown status and sites known to be target but not sampled. Handpicked sites and unsampled sites have a weight of 0." LAT_DD83 "Latitude in decimal degrees of wetland site at the evaluated or sampled site location for 2011 and design latitude for wetland site for 2016. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" LON_DD83 "Longitude in decimal degrees of wetland site from the survey design, , i.e., \design longitude.\"" Note that this is at the evaluated or sampled site location for NWCA 2011 due to concerns about location of sites that were moved and design longitude for wetland site for 2016. No missing or \""blank\"" values allowed.""" LAT_ANALYS "Latitude in decimal degrees of wetland site sampled or design latitude if site not sampled. Used for analyses where actual plot location is required. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" LON_ANALYS "Longitude in decimal degrees of wetland site sampled or design longitude if site not sampled. Used for analyses where actual plot location is required. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" XCOORD "x-coordinate from US Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic projection. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed. Projection: sph = \""GRS80\"", clon = -96, clat = 37.5, sp1 = 29.5, sp2 = 45.5""" YCOORD "y-coordinate from US Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic projection. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed. Projection: sph = \""GRS80\"", clon = -96, clat = 37.5, sp1 = 29.5, sp2 = 45.5""" AG_ECO3 "NARS 3-level reporting region (2015), based on aggregating AG_ECO9 reporting regions. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" EHIGH|PLNLOW|WMTNS| AG_ECO9 "NARS 9-level reporting region, based on aggregated Omernik Level III ecoregions. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" CPL|NAP|NPL|SAP|SPL|TPL|UMW|WMT|XER| COAST_REG "FWS S & T coastal region name. Used by US Fish and Wildlife Service to identify coastal wetland region. \NotCoast\"" if not in coastal region. No missing values allowed.""" Great Lakes Region|Gulf Coast Region|North East Coast Region|Pacific Coast Region|South East Coast Region|Not Coast| EPA_REG "EPA Region. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" Region_01|Region_02|Region_03|Region_04|Region_05|Region_06|Region_07|Region_08|Region_09|Region_10| FED_NONFED "Federal or Non-Federal land, based on OWN_NARS. OWN_NARS in FWS, Other Fed, USFS, NPS, NOAA, BLM, DOD, BOR considered Federal and all others Non-Federal." Federal|Non-Federal HYD_CLS Hydrologic class based on NWCA aggregated wetland classes INLAND|TIDAL MAJ_BAS_NM "Name of major USGS Hydrologic Basins derived from NHDPlus codes. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" Arkansas-White-Red Region|California Region| Great Basin Region|Great Lakes Region|Lower Colorado Region|Lower Mississippi Region|Mid Atlantic Region|Missouri Region|New England Region|Ohio-Tennessee Region|Pacific Northwest Region|Rio Grande-Texas-Gulf Region|Souris-Red-Rainy Region|South Atlantic Gulf Region|Upper Colorado Region|Upper Mississippi Region| MISS_BASIN "Within Mississippi Basin or outside, based on MAJ_BAS_NM values" MISSISSIPPI_BASIN|NOT_MISSISSIPPI_BASIN NEP_NAT "Site is located in a National Estuary Program watershed. NEP if site is in an NEP; Not_NEP if not. Does not include Chesapeake Bay as an NEP. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" NEP|Not_NEP| NWCA_ECO4 "4 NWCA aggregated ecoregions. AG_ECO9 is collapsed to make CPL = CPL, EMU = NAP, SAP, UMW; IPL = NPL, SPL, TPL; and W = WMT, XER. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" CPL| EMU|IPL| W| NWCA_ECO5 "5 NWCA aggregated ecoregions. AG_ECO9 is collapsed to make CPL = CPL, EMU = NAP, SAP, UMW; IPL = NPL, SPL, TPL; and WMT = WMT, XER = XER. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" CPL| EMU|IPL| WMT|XER| OWN_NARS "Land ownership code derived from USGS PADUS ( - pulled May 2016 version of database. Aggregated to categories used by NARS. Text of 13 land ownership category names. Similar to OWN_TYPE in USGS PADUS dataset except that Federal_Land is separated into major federal agencies. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" BLM|BOR|DOD|Forest Service|FWS|NOAA|Non Federal|NPS|Tribal Land - PAD| PNWCA_ECO4 "Omernik Level III Ecoregions aggregated into four NWCA Aggregated Ecoregions and applied to the Pacific Northwest National Condition Assessment (PNWCA) sites located in the states of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho: West (W). Sites not included in the PNWCA are NOT_PNWCA." W|NOT_PNWCA PNWCA_ECO5 "Omernik Level III Ecoregions aggregated into five NWCA Aggregated Ecoregions and applied to the Pacific Northwest National Condition Assessment (PNWCA) sites located in the states of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho: Western Mountains (WMT) and Xeric West (XER). Sites not included in the PNWCA are NOT_PNWCA." WMT|XER|NOT_PNWCA PNWCA_WETCLS_GRP "Aggregated S&T Class that combines wetland type and dominant vegetation type for reporting and applied to the Pacific Northwest National Condition Assessment (PNWCA) sites located in the states of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho: Estuarine Herbaceous (EH), Estuarine Woody (EW), Palustrine, Riverine, and Lacustrine Herbaceous (PRLH), and Palustrine, Riverine, and Lacustrine Woody (PRLW). Sites not included in the PNWCA are NOT_PNWCA." EH|EW|PRLH|PRLW|NOT_PNWCA PNWCA_RPT_UNIT "A combination of Omernik Level III Ecoregions and USCOE Wetland Regions aggregated into ten NWCA Aggregated Ecoregions and applied to the Pacific Northwest National Condition Assessment (PNWCA) sites located in the states of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho: Pacific Coast (PAC), Western Mountains (WMT), Xeric West (XER). Sites not included in the PNWCA are NOT_PNWCA." PAC|WVM|ARW|NOT_PNWCA PSTL_CODE "State two letter postal code for site sampled. 50 state postal codes plus AS, MP, GU, PR, VI for American Samoa, Commonwealth of Northern Marianas, Guam, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" RPTGRP_10 "Combination of 4 NWCA ecoregions (NWCA_ECO4) by 4 Aggregated Wetland classes (WETCLS_EVL). Initially defined for NWCA 2011. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" ALL-EH|ALL-EW|CPL-PRLH|CPL-PRLW|EMU-PRLH|EMU-PRLW|IPL-PRLH|IPL-PRLW|W-PRLH|W-PRLW | RPTGRP_12 "Combination of 5 NWCA ecoregions (NWCA_ECO5) by 4 Aggregated Wetland classes (WETCLS_EVL). Initially defined for NWCA 2016. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" ALL-EH|ALL-EW|CPL-PRLH|CPL-PRLW|EMU-PRLH|EMU-PRLW|IPL-PRLH|IPL-PRLW|WMT-PRLH|WMT-PRLW|XER-PRLH|XER-PRLW| RPT_UNIT "NWCA Reporting unit code based on NWCA aggregated wetland classes, aggregated Omernik Level III ecoregions, and state to distinguish coastal from inland wetlands by region" ARW|ATL|GFC|GPL|ICP|NCE|PAC|SAP|TPL|WVM RPT_UNIT_5 "Recategorization of RPT_UNIT to distinguish estuarine regions and inland regions, combines ARW and WVM into WST" EMU|ICP|PLN|TDL|WST RPT_UNIT_6 "Recategorization of RPT_UNIT to distinguish estuarine regions and inland regions, keeping ARW and WVM separate" ARW|EMU|ICP|PLN|TDL|WVM RPT_UNIT20 Recategorization of RPT_UNIT to include designation as woody or herbaceous ARW-H|ARW-W|ATL-H|ATL-W|GFC-H|GFC-W|GPL-H|GPL-W|ICP-H|ICP-W|NCE-H|NCE-W|PAC-H|PAC-W|SAP-H|SAP-W|TPL-H|TPL-W|WVM-H|WVM-W WETCLS_EVL "Wetland class from site evaluation. If sampled in field, then wetland class assigned when sampled. If evaluated in field but not sampled, then wetland class assigned from field visit. If site only evaluated in office, then wetland class assigned at that time. If no site evaluation information on wetland class, then wetland class assigned wetland class used for the survey design. Hand-picked sites should be assigned during field sampling. Wetland classes use FWS S&T classes. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" E2EM|E2SS|PEM|PF|PFO|PSS|PUBPAB| WETCLS_GRP "4 NWCA aggregated wetland classes used for reporting. EH is estuarine herbaceous (E2EM); EW is estuarine woody (E2SS); PRLH is inland herbaceous (PEM, PF, PUBPAB); PRLW is inland woody (PFO, PSS). No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" EH|EW|PRLH|PRLW| WETCLS_HGM "Wetland HGM class determined in field. Only available for target sampled sites. It is possible for a sampled site not to have HGM assigned. In this case the value is UND for undetermined. No missing or \blank\"" values allowed.""" DPRSS|FLATS|FRINGE|RIVERINE|SLOPE|TIDAL|UND WETCLS_HGM2 "Hydrogeomorphic (HGM) classes, separated into natural and altered HGM subclasses from QAed and validated values (HGM_CLASS_VALID and HGM_SUBCLASS_VALID in tblASSESSMENT) designated on field on Form AA-2 on date of sampling. Altered HGM subclasses are indicated by an appended _ALT. Note that _ALT indicates historic HGM class that should be at the site, denoting that it has been altered (e.g., a site that was historically FLATS but excavated into a depression would be designated as FLATS_ALT)." DEPRESSION|DEPRESSION_ALT|FLATS|FLATS_ALT|LACUSTRINE|LACUSTRINE_ALT|RIVERINE|RIVERINE_ALT|SLOPE|SLOPE_ALT|TIDAL|TIDAL_ALT WETCLS_ALT "Based on WETCLS_HGM2, distinguishes HGM altered sites from not altered sites using QAed and validated values (HGM_CLASS_VALID and HGM_SUBCLASS_VALID in tblASSESSMENT) designated on form AA-2 on date of sampling. HGM_ALTERED includes DEPRESSION_ALT, FLATS_ALT, LACUSTRINE_ALT, RIVERINE_ALT, SLOPE_ALT, and TIDAL_ALT, while HGM_NOT_ALTERED includes DEPRESSION, FLATS, LACUSTRINE, RIVERINE, SLOPE, and TIDAL." HGM_ALTERED|HGM_NOT_ALTERED NWCA_ECO4_HYD "Omernik Level III Ecoregions aggregated into four NWCA Aggregated Ecoregions (NWCA_ECO4) and distinguished by inland sites (HYD_CLS = INLAND) or tidal saline sites (HYD_CLS = TIDAL): Coastal Plains Inland (CPL-INLAND), Coastal Plains Tidal (CPL-TIDAL), Eastern Mountains & Upper Midwest Inland (EMU-INLAND), Eastern Mountains & Upper Midwest Tidal (EMU-TIDAL) , Interior Plains Inland (IPL-INLAND), West Inland (W-INLAND), West Tidal (W-TIDAL). Note that there are no Interior Plains Tidal sites, thus there is no IPL-TIDAL subpopulation." CPL-TIDAL|CPL-INLAND|W-INLAND|W-TIDAL|IPL-INLAND|EMU-INLAND|EMU-TIDAL NWCA_ECO5_HYD "Omernik Level III Ecoregions aggregated into five NWCA Aggregated Ecoregions (NWCA_ECO5) and distinguished by inland sites (HYD_CLS = INLAND) or tidal saline sites (HYD_CLS = TIDAL): Coastal Plains Inland (CPL-INLAND), Coastal Plains Tidal (CPL-TIDAL), Eastern Mountains & Upper Midwest Inland (EMU-INLAND), Eastern Mountains & Upper Midwest Tidal (EMU-TIDAL) , Interior Plains Inland (IPL-INLAND), Western Valleys & Mountains Inland (WMT-INLAND), Western Valleys & Mountains Tidal (WMT-TIDAL), Xeric West Inland (XER-INLAND), and Xeric West Tidal (XER-TIDAL). Note that there are no Interior Plains Tidal sites, thus there is no IPL-TIDAL subpopulation." CPL-TIDAL|CPL-INLAND|WMT-INLAND|XER-TIDAL|XER-INLAND|IPL-INLAND|EMU-INLAND|EMU-TIDAL|WMT-TIDAL MICX_DETECT Microcystin Detection Detected|Not Detected|Not Assessed MICX_EPA_COND Microcystin condition based on EPA benchmark Above Benchmark|At or Below Benchmark|Not Assessed NTL_COND Condition class based on total nitrogen Good|Fair|Poor|Not Assessed PTL_COND Condition class based on total phosphorus Good|Fair|Poor|Not Assessed STRESS_HEAVYMETAL Stress class based on soil heavy metals Low|Moderate|High|Not Assessed STRESS_NONNATIVE Stress class based on Non-native Plant Indicator Low|Moderate|High|Very High|Not Assessed STRESS_PALT_SUM Stress class based on sum of all physical alteration metrics Low|Moderate|High|Not Assessed STRESS_SOHARD Stress class based on physical alteration by soil hardening Low|Moderate|High|Not Assessed STRESS_SOMODF Stress class based on physical alteration by soil modification Low|Moderate|High|Not Assessed STRESS_VEGREP Stress class based on physical alteration by vegetation replacement Low|Moderate|High|Not Assessed STRESS_VEGRMV Stress class based on physical alteration by vegetation removal Low|Moderate|High|Not Assessed STRESS_WADSUB Stress class based on physical alteration by water addition or substraction Low|Moderate|High|Not Assessed STRESS_WOBSTR Stress class based on physical alteration by water obstruction Low|Moderate|High|Not Assessed VEGCOND_2016 NWCA 2016 Vegetation Condition Class based on VMMI_2016 Good|Fair|Poor|Not Assessed MICX_MDL Method detection limit for microcystin (ug/L) MICX_RL Laboratory reporting limit for microcystin (ug/L) MICX_RESULT Measured concentration of microcystin (ug/L) RFREQ_AC Relative frequency of alien and cryptogenic species occurrence in flora based on 5 100-m2 plots TOTN_AC Total Number of alien and cryptogenic Species across AA (based 500 m2 sample area - 5 100-m2 plots) VMMI_2016 NWCA 2016 Vegetation Multimetric Index Score XRCOV_AC Mean relative cover of all aliena and cryptogenic species or lowest taxonomic unit across 100-m2 plots as a percentage of total cover HMI Heavy Metals Index for soil PALT_SOHARD Soil hardening physical alteration metric PALT_SOMODF Soil modification physical alteration metric PALT_VEGREP Vegetation replacement physical alteration metric PALT_VEGRMV Vegetation removal physical alteration metric PALT_WADSUB Water addition/subtraction physical alteration metric PALT_WOBSTR Water flow obstruction physical alteration metric PTL_MDL Method detection limit for total phosphorus (ug/L) PTL_RESULT Total phosphorus result (ug/L) PTL_RL Laboratory reporting limit for total phosphorus (ug/L) NTL_NARS_FLAG NARS standardized QA flag for total nitrogen result NTL_RESULT Total nitrogen result (mg/L) PTL_NARS_FLAG NARS standardized QA flag for total phosphorus result NTL_MDL Method detection limit for total nitrogen (mg/L) NTL_RL Laboratory reporting limit for total nitrogen (mg/L) PUBLICATION_DATE Date the dataset was published to the NARS site