Climate Change: Resilience and Adaptation in New England (RAINE)
Blue Carbon in New England
How does blue carbon help climate change?
Search the RAINE Database
Use the new Search the RAINE Database web mapping application to discover relevant reports, plans, and webpages or your location of interest.
Featured Locations in RAINE
Explore the New Featured Locations in RAINE Map.
Spotlights for RAINE include examples of unique practices
Explore the RAINE Spotlights Page. RAINE spotlight locations are also featured in the RAINE Featured Locations map.
These webpages do not constitute official EPA policy. Any opinions or positions expressed in these webpages may not represent official EPA positions or policies.
RAINE links to non-EPA websites do not imply any official EPA endorsement of or a responsibility for the opinions, ideas, data, or products presented at those locations or guarantee the validity of the information provided. EPA does not endorse any service, product or entity. EPA is not responsible for the content of third-party websites.
Links to non-EPA servers are provided solely as a pointer to information that might be useful to EPA staff and the public.
The Resilience and Adaptation in New England (RAINE) database is a collection of vulnerability, resilience, and adaptation reports, plans, and webpages at the state, regional, and community level.
Featured Locations

Use the map to explore locations (towns, watersheds, organizations, and states) that are featured in the RAINE database.
Use the new Search the RAINE Database web mapping application to discover relevant reports, plans, and webpages for your location or topic of interest.
These examples highlight unique practices including the use of incentives, collaborations, ordinances, etc. RAINE spotlight locations are also featured in the RAINE featured locations web mapping application.
What's New
- The RAINE Catalog now contains over 1,250 plans!
- Forty-four plans just added including the recently published Climate Action Plans under EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants!
- A new, and improved Search the RAINE Database app!
Stay Connected
Tell us more
We have captured many, but not all, examples of resilience and adaptation efforts in New England. If we missed a document, program, plan, etc. that you are aware of please let us know.