News Releases from Region 04
EPA Extends Application Deadline for Next Class of the Environmental Justice Academy
New Deadline to Apply is June 30, 2016
ATLANTA – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 4 has extended the application deadline for the second class of the Environmental Justice (EJ) Academy. Applications are now due by June 30, 2016. The EJ Academy is a rigorous, nine-month leadership development program designed to cultivate skills participants can use to identify and address environmental challenges in their communities.
Application criteria and instructions are posted online at:
The EJ Academy is primarily based on the EPA Collaborative Problem-Solving (CPS) Model, which is a seven-step process for bringing about positive change and community revitalization by having community leaders, community members, and their stakeholders working together. Each module focuses on one element of the CPS Model and includes a combination of lectures by subject-matter experts, in-class exercises, and homework assignments.
The EJ Academy teaches participants:
- How to leverage human, social, intellectual, technical, legal, and financial resources to make long-term progress in a community;
- How to use consensus-building processes and skills to help ensure successful collaboration and negotiations;
- How to increase capacity to address communities’ environmental and/or public health issues; and
- A basic understanding of environmental justice and environmental regulations
As a result of participating in the EJ Academy, graduates will receive the following benefits:
- Complete a community portfolio, which may assist in securing funding, describing community resources and challenges and establishing credibility amongst stakeholders;
- Complete an action plan to guide organizational activities;
- Identify and secure potential partners to assist communities with addressing their challenges;
- Interact directly with technical experts from EPA and other organizations;
- Network with regional community leaders to establish mutually beneficial relationships;
- Be matched with nearby academic institutions in EPA’s College Underserved Community Partnership Program (CUPP) to provide ongoing technical assistance; and
- Receive individualized feedback, guidance, and assistance from a variety of experts.
For questions, contact Sheryl Good, 404-562-9559, or Saudia Muwwakkil, 404-562-8207. You may also email:
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