Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can cause lung cancer.
You can’t see or smell radon. Testing is the only way to know your level of exposure. Radon can have a big impact on your health and indoor air quality. All homes should be tested for radon.
Radon Risks and Solutions
Learn how you can reduce your risk and exposure to radon.
National Radon Action Plan
Read about the national multisector strategies to prevent exposure to radon.
Standards of Practice
Review technical standards for radon professionals.
Frequently Asked Questions
Search most common questions or send a question to our customer care team.
State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants
Access resources on the EPA’s State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants (SIRG) program.
Radon Outreach and Media
Stay informed and help communicate strategies to reduce radon risk.

EPA Regional and State Contacts