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News Releases from Region 01

EPA Extends Comment Period for Proposed Cleanup Plan for the Wells G&H Superfund Site in Woburn Massachusetts

Public Comment is extended until September 13

Contact Information: 
Emily Bender (

Boston - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a cleanup plan for the Wells G&H Superfund Site, Southwest Properties, Operable Unit (OU4). EPA has been asked to extend the comment period, and will do so. The comment period will now be a total of 62 days and be open until September 13, 2017.

The cleanup proposal is detailed in a document called a Proposed Plan and gives specifics on the cleanup actions for soil, groundwater, non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) and wetland contamination at the Wells G&H Southwest Properties. Some of those details include:

  • Excavation and offsite disposal of contaminated soil and NAPL, and capping of contaminated soil.
  • Excavation, offsite disposal of contaminated sediments, and wetland restoration.
  • Containment and cleanup of groundwater contaminants
  • Long term monitoring and
  • Institutional controls

The public is invited to comment on the Proposed Cleanup Plan until September 13, 2017. To access a copy of the Proposed Plan and learn how to submit comments, visit our website at or

The Wells G&H Superfund Site contains five source area properties within an approximately 330-acre area located in Woburn MA. Since 1992, various cleanup actions have been Implemented and/or are on-going at the five source area properties. Although groundwater treatment systems Installed as part of the EPA approved remedy for the Site have removed chemicals from over 400 million gallons of groundwater, site cleanup is ongoing.