News Releases from Region 04
EPA Honors Seven Florida Organizations with 2015 Energy Star Awards for Leadership on Energy Efficiency, Acting on Climate
ATLANTA - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) are honoring seven organizations in Florida with the Energy Star's Partner of the Year award for their commitment to saving energy and protecting the environment through superior energy efficiency achievements. A total of 128 businesses and organizations in 33 states Awardees will be honored for helping families save money by saving energy in innovative ways including working with utilities to offer rebates to customers, creating more efficient products, and launching efficiency projects.
In 2014 alone, Energy Star partners, including the 128 Partners of the Year awardees, prevented more than 300 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions and reduced utility bills for Americans by $34 billion.
"Our Energy Star Partner of the Year award winners demonstrate that energy efficiency is a smart business decision that supports their bottom line, and helps their customers save money and energy," said EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy. "I congratulate our Energy Star Partners of the Year for their leadership and commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and taking action that will help us leave a healthier planet for future generations."
The awards will be presented in Washington, DC, at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel on April 20th. EPA Administrator McCarthy and Jim Gibbons, Goodwill Industries International President and CEO, will provide keynote remarks.
"Energy Star Partner of the Year Award winners are delivering advanced energy efficiency solutions that help American families and businesses save money by saving energy," said Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz. "Their efforts play an important role in protecting the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, while also moving our nation closer to a clean energy future."
This year's awardees include manufacturers, retailers, public schools, hospitals, real estate companies, home builders and other businesses and organizations, from Fortune 500 companies to small businesses. Several organizations are first-time Energy Star Partner of the Year awardees.
Read more about each award winner's achievements at:
Organizations are recognized in the following categories:
Partner of the Year - Sustained Excellence: The 79 Sustained Excellence winners continue to demonstrate remarkable leadership each year in the Energy Star program while remaining committed to environmental protection through superior energy efficiency.
Manitowoc Foodservice, New Port Richey, Fla.
Partner of the Year: Fifty-one organizations have been awarded the Partner of the Year award for strategically and comprehensively managing their energy use. These organizations promote Energy Star products and practices in their own operations, while providing energy-efficient products and services to their customers.
Intertape Polymer Group, Inc., Sarasota, Fla.
*Jacksonville Building Science, LLC, Jacksonville, Fla.
Parmenter, Miami, Fla.
*Providence Homes, Jacksonville, Fla.
SkyeTec, Jacksonville, Fla.
TopBuild Home Services, Daytona Beach, Fla.
Energy Star has over 16,000 partners working to protect the environment through greater energy efficiency, including manufacturers, retailers, public schools, hospitals, real estate companies, and home builders.
Complete list of winners:
*Denotes first-time Partner of the Year Award winners
Energy Star is the simple choice for energy efficiency. For more than 20 years, people across America have looked to EPA's Energy Star program for guidance on how to save energy, save money, and protect the environment. Behind each blue label is a product, building, or home that is independently certified to use less energy and cause fewer of the emissions that contribute to climate change. Today, Energy Star is the most widely recognized symbol for energy efficiency in the world, helping families and businesses save $300 billion on utility bills, while reducing carbon pollution by two billion metric tons since 1992. Join the millions who are already making a difference at
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