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News Releases from Region 05

EPA Region 5 to Audit State of Michigan's Drinking Water Program

Contact Information: 
Anne Rowan (rowan.anne@epa.gov)

For Immediate Release No. 15-OPA167

CHICAGO (November 10, 2015) -- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 Administrator Susan Hedman today announced that the agency will conduct an audit of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) drinking water program. Region 5 will examine MDEQ's implementation of the Safe Drinking Water Act and related rules on lead and copper, total coliform, nitrates and ground water.

"EPA is conducting this audit to ensure that MDEQ maintains reliable drinking water supplies that meet all of the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act," Hedman said. "This comprehensive audit will provide Flint residents and the people of Michigan with more information about MDEQ oversight of public water supplies and will identify actions that may be needed to strengthen the Michigan drinking water program."

During the audit, EPA Region 5 staff will go to MDEQ offices to review state files on public water system compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act. EPA will also review MDEQ oversight of public water systems. The audit will consist of a full programmatic review that supplements the reviews of the Michigan drinking water program that EPA conducts each year.

The on-site audit will take several months. As soon as it is complete, EPA will prepare an audit report and make the report available to the public.

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