News Releases from Region 01
EPA Seeks Public input on Modified Training at Joint Base Cape Cod
Public Meeting Scheduled for Oct. 12
BOSTON - EPA is seeking public comment on a proposed modification to its 1997 order that required the Massachusetts Army National Guard to suspend training activities related to contamination of the Cape Cod Aquifer, and EPA will hold a public meeting to discuss these issues on Oct. 12 at 6:00 p.m. at Building 1805, on Joint Base Cape Cod.
Specifically, EPA is seeking public comment on a proposal to allow firing of lead ammunition or other 'live' ammunition at small arms ranges, and use of pyrotechnics at the Training Ranges and Impact Area at Joint Base Cape Cod, to the extent the National Guard receives approval and oversight from the Massachusetts Environmental Management Commission in accordance with the Environmental Performance Standards.
EPA will accept public comments until Nov. 5. on the proposal to modify EPA's 1997 Safe Drinking Water Act Administrative Order. This authorization process is part of EPA's regulatory role at the Joint Base Cape Cod to protect the sole source Cape Cod Aquifer.
Since 1997, EPA has issued four administrative orders at the base, three under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Among other provisions the second administrative order includes the suspension of particular military training activities at the Training Range and Impact area of the Massachusetts Military Reservation, which is the former name of JBCC, due to the nature of the potential contaminants within some of the training devices. However, the order included a provision allowing the Guard to petition for modification of the order requirements.
In a letter dated August 31, 2016, the Massachusetts Army National Guard requested from EPA: that the prohibition of "All firing of lead ammunition or other 'live' ammunition at small arms ranges at or near the Training Range and Impact Area" be modified; that the prohibition of "All use of pyrotechnics at or near the Training Range and Impact Area" be modified; that the pilot project at Tango, Juliet and Kilo Ranges be terminated; that EPA accept and approve the Pilot Period Final Report for Tango, Juliet and Kilo Ranges; and finally, that EPA recognize the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Environmental Management Commission (EMC) as the oversight body for small arms range development and pyrotechnic use at Camp Edwards.
EPA has conducted a thorough analysis of the data generated during the pilot projects. EPA's proposed authorization would not extend to any other ammunition or training device, and only to the extent it would not interfere with the completion of investigation and cleanup activities. This decision will be reviewed as EPA deems appropriate, but in no event less often than every five years. EPA would retain its enforcement authority under the administrative orders even after oversight responsibility is provided to EMC.
Regular testing of soil and water resources with reporting to state and federal environmental officials is required, to ensure that land and water resources are not significantly impacted by the reintroduction of lead bullets to the ranges has occurred in addition to inspections. EPA's top priority remains protecting the water resources at the Cape. Data from the nine years of the training pilot indicate that training, used in conjunction with a host of robust operation, maintenance and monitoring requirements, should not harm the groundwater aquifer. To confirm this, the EMC, through the Commissioners and staff, will continue to oversee, monitor and evaluate activities in the Reserve.
Specifically, EPA is seeking public comment on the following proposals:
Whether to modify the Administrative Order 2 (AO2) to not exclude all firing of lead ammunition or other 'live' ammunition at Juliet, Kilo and Tango Ranges, to the extent it receives continued approval and oversight from EMC in accordance with the Environmental Performance Standards.
Whether to modify AO2 to not exclude all firing of lead ammunition or other 'live' ammunition at small arms ranges at or near the Training Range and Impact Area, to the extent it receives approval and oversight from EMC in accordance with the Environmental Performance Standards.
Whether to modify AO2 to not exclude the use of pyrotechnic M116A1 Hand Grenade simulator, M228 fuse used with the M69 practice Hand Grenade, and the Percussion Activated Neutralizer, to the extent it receives continued approval and oversight from the EMC in accordance with the Environmental Performance Standards.
Whether to modify AO2 to not exclude all use of pyrotechnics at or near the Training Range and Impact Area, to the extent it receives approval and oversight from EMC in accordance with the Environmental Performance Standards.
More information:
EPA will accept public comments on these proposals until November 5, 2016. Comments should be submitted in writing, and can be submitted via email (to: or mailed to:
Lynne Jennings
USEPA REGION 1 - New England
5 Post Office Square
Mail Code: OSRR07-3
Boston, MA 02109-3912 -
EPA's proposed modified Administrative Order, and info on EPA's past and ongoing cleanup work at Joint Base Cape Cod (
A public meeting will be held to discuss these issues on Oct. 12 at 6:00 p.m. at Building 1805, on Joint Base Cape Cod