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News Releases from Region 05

EPA Starts Lead Cleanup at Leadership & Legacy Campus in Indianapolis

Contact Information: 
Francisco Arcaute (arcaute.francisco@epa.gov)
312-886-7613 312-898-2042 Cell

For Immediate Release   No. 16-OPA032

EPA Starts Lead Cleanup at Leadership & Legacy Campus in Indianapolis

CHICAGO (Aug. 22, 2016) – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today begins a $1 million lead cleanup at the Leadership & Legacy Campus, 2255 and 2259 Ralston Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., to protect public health. Previously known as the Jireh Sports Center, the 13-acre property was purchased earlier this year by the Edna Martin Christian Center, a non-profit organization offering activities for children and seniors. It is north of the American Lead site, a former lead smelter. 

Over the next four weeks, EPA will dig two-feet down to excavate and permanently remove nearly 7,000 tons of lead-contaminated soil. In January 2016, EPA took soil samples at the property as requested by the City of Indianapolis. The Agency confirmed high lead concentrations in shallow soil – mostly inside a fenced area.  EPA also found high lead levels in a gravel parking lot, a picnic area and fenced off those areas.

Children’s programs at the campus have been suspended during the cleanup.

During the cleanup, the community will see heavy trucks and equipment at the north end of the property. Cleanup crews will wear protective suits and masks. Dump trucks will transport excavated soil to a licensed landfill. Crews will replace grass and landscaping with certified clean soil. Trucks will be decontaminated to ensure public safety.

EPA will monitor air quality during the cleanup and take action to control dust as needed.
