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Job Creators, American Energy Producers, Farmers and Elected Officials Cheer Scott Pruitt’s Ascension to EPA Administrator

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WASHINGTON--American leaders and job creators all across the country today cheered as Scott Pruitt was confirmed by the U.S. Senate to become the new EPA Administrator.

Here is some of what they are saying:

U.S. Representative David McKinley (WV)
“Scott Pruitt is the leader America needs at the EPA. He understands that we can protect our environment with common sense policies that don’t attack job creators and send thousands of workers, like West Virginia’s coal miners, to the unemployment line. In Oklahoma, Mr. Pruitt tirelessly fought unwarranted regulations and federal government abuse. I am confident he will bring a pragmatic and balanced approach to the EPA by returning it to its original and lawful mission.”

Zippy Duvall, President, American Farm Bureau Federation
“Scott Pruitt’s confirmation to lead the Environmental Protection Agency will bring a breath of fresh air to the post. America’s farmers and ranchers look forward to working with Administrator Pruitt as he leads the EPA with a welcome level of common sense in the important job of protecting the environment. For too long, farmers and ranchers have been victims of EPA’s harsh regulatory overreach. Farmers are conservationists to the core and we want to play a positive, cooperative role in protecting the environment we rely on to produce food for this nation. In his position as attorney general in Oklahoma, Pruitt stood up for common-sense, effective regulation that protects the environment and the rights of the regulated community. We’re optimistic that he will retain those same values as administrator and we look forward to working with him. But what we truly look forward to is working with someone at EPA who understands how farmers and ranchers care for our nation’s natural resources each and every day.”

U.S. Senator Shelly Moore Capito (WV)
“Attorney General Pruitt is the most thoroughly vetted nominee for administrator in the history of the EPA. He embodies the leadership we need to restore accountability to the agency. He will return the EPA to its core mission of protecting public and environmental health while balancing economic impact. While I am disappointed by the Democrat obstruction that delayed today’s vote, I am very glad the Senate has confirmed Attorney General Pruitt. I know he will be an excellent partner to West Virginia as the next administrator of the EPA.”

U.S. Senator Pat Roberts (KS)
“I look forward to working with Administrator Pruitt. He understands that while farmers and ranchers make their living off the land, they are also its best stewards. For years we have struggled with an EPA that was not only tone deaf to the needs and concerns of rural America, it was downright adversarial. Producers were burdened with overregulation, which left them feeling ruled, not governed. I am confident Pruitt will lead an EPA that is more respectful of agriculture and will work to restore the trust of farmers, ranchers, and rural Americans.”

Jeff Keffer, CEO, Longview Power
“We are pleased the Senate has confirmed Mr. Pruitt to be the next EPA Administrator.   He will make an exceptional head of EPA.   Under his leadership, we expect the EPA to return to sensible environmental policies based on our existing laws that protect the environment and public health while recognizing the need for reliable and affordable clean coal-based electricity and the many jobs in the coal industry.”

Mitch Bainwol, President and CEO, Auto Alliance
"We congratulate Administrator Pruitt on his confirmation and look forward to working with him and his team to get the Midterm Review back on track. The Administrator has a keen understanding of how compliance with the government fuel economy/greenhouse gas program depends on what consumers buy, not what automakers produce. That’s why standards must also reflect market realities. We remain convinced the best way to advance our shared goals for the environment, safety, consumer affordability and manufacturing jobs is to reinstate the data-driven review -- under the originally promised schedule."  

Paul Bailey, President and CEO, American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity
“We are pleased the Senate has confirmed Mr. Pruitt to be the next EPA Administrator. He will make an exceptional head of EPA.   Under his leadership, we expect EPA to return to sensible policies that both protect the environment and recognize the need for reliable and affordable coal-based electricity.“

Jay Ashcroft, Missouri Secretary of State
“An expert on regulatory and constitutional law, Scott Pruitt will bring a necessary balance to the Environmental Protection Agency. He recognizes that a clean environment and a vibrant economy do not have to be mutually exclusive. As Oklahoma Attorney General, he has repeatedly taken on the tough fights to stop the regulatory overreach of the past decade. Above all, he has a record of distinguished service that will serve our nation well.”

Jay Timmons, President, National Association of Manufacturers
“After facing record high costs to comply with EPA regulations over the past decade, manufacturers welcomed today’s Senate confirmation of Scott Pruitt to lead the EPA. We are confident that under his leadership, Pruitt will restore balance to the way environmental regulations are developed. Manufacturers look forward to him getting to work right away. Manufacturers know it’s possible to have responsible environmental stewardship and robust economic growth at the same time. We are leaders on sustainability and developing emissions-reducing innovations, and as we look to find solutions to the environmental challenges we face, manufacturers will continue to lead the way.”

Hal Quinn, CEO, National Mining Association
“The mining community welcomes Mr. Pruitt to Washington as EPA administrator. He brings to this important position a wealth of knowledge about the laws that provide environmental protection to the American people, as well as respect for the law and its limitations on a powerful bureaucracy. As a distinguished attorney general he has demonstrated his appreciation for the right of states to manage their affairs where the law allows, and coming from an important energy state he is mindful of the costs that regulations can impose on the economy. NMA looks forward to working with Administrator Pruitt and his staff to deliver the balanced policies the nation deserves.”

John Weber, National Pork Producers Council
“As Oklahoma attorney general, he struck a balance between protecting the environment and protecting the livelihoods of farmers and business owners. Everyone, particularly farmers, wants to have clean air and water and to preserve and protect our natural resources. But you don’t achieve those goals by piling regulations on the very people who are the stewards of the land, air and water. Scott Pruitt understands that, and that will serve him well as EPA administrator.”

U.S. Representative Paul Gosar (AZ)
“President Trump’s selection of Scott Pruitt for EPA Administrator is a clear signal that people, not politics, will be the top priority of his administration. Scott Pruitt believes the EPA should work with local and state governments to enact common-sense regulations that will protect the environment without crushing our economy, I enthusiastically support Administrator Pruitt and I know that he will listen to the unique concerns of Western communities and work with Congress to develop positive legislative solutions. The Western Caucus looks forward to working with him closely.”

U.S. Representative Markwayne Mullin (OK)
“After today’s confirmation vote in the Senate, I can hear the sighs of relief coming from thousands of business owners, farmers, and citizens across the country.  As the head of the EPA, Scott Pruitt will provide relief for those businesses, farmers, and citizens that have been suffering under this toxic regulatory environment for the last eight years. In Scott’s work as Oklahoma’s Attorney General, he recognized that Oklahomans know their state best. The most efficient regulatory environment is one where the federal government doesn’t tell the states how to regulate; it lets the states determine what is most effective for their state and people. I want to congratulate Scott on this new position and I look forward to following his work cutting the bureaucratic tape at the EPA.”

U.S. Representative Randy Weber (TX)
“Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt is both capable and qualified for the role of EPA Administrator. As Oklahoma Attorney General, he combatted a rogue EPA on numerous occasions. His confirmation will help restore the EPA to an organization that balances environmental protection with practical regulation.”

U.S. Representative Jim Bridenstine (OK)
“President Obama turned the EPA into one of the most vilified agencies in the ‘swamp’ of over-reaching government.  As EPA Administrator, Scott Pruitt will bring a rational, constitutional, and federalist perspective to environmental stewardship.  He knows the value of preserving our air, water, and land as well as the impact that regulations have had on jobs and people.  He is an excellent addition to the Trump Administration.”

Craig Uben, President, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association
“For far too long, the EPA has been a runaway bureaucracy largely out of touch with how its policies directly affect folks like cattle ranchers, who use – and responsibly care for – the environment while providing the safest and most abundant food supply in the world. Scott Pruitt will restore some common sense to environmental policy and we look forward to working with him on restoring regulatory sanity to Washington, such as by killing the onerous ‘Waters of the United States’ rule.”

Granger MacDonald, Chairman, National Association of Home Builders
“NAHB congratulates Scott Pruitt on being confirmed as the nation’s next EPA Administrator. Pruitt understands the need for a commonsense regulatory process that is based on sound science, and does not trample states’ rights or ignore the economic impact on small businesses. NAHB looks forward to working with Administrator Pruitt and his team to help move towards this more reasonable approach.”
