News Releases from Headquarters›Office of the Administrator (AO)
Coverage From The House Energy And Commerce Hearing
The Wall Street Journal Headline: “Pruitt Says Attacks Are Driven By Opposition To Trump” (The Wall Street Journal, 4/26/18) Exit
EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt Stated That He Would “Show The American People We Are Good Stewards Of Taxpayer Resources, Stay True To The EPA’s Mission And I Am Committed To Doing That.” “‘As administrator, I have to take responsibility to make changes to ensure in each of these areas we get results and show the American people we are good stewards of taxpayer resources, stay true to the EPA’s mission and I am committed to doing that,’ Pruitt said in much-anticipated testimony before a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee.” (The Washington Examiner, 4/26/18) Exit
EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt Vowed To Fight For President Trump’s Agenda And Not Let It Be Derailed. “Those who have attacked the EPA and attacked me are doing so because they want to derail the president’s agenda. I’m not going to let that happen.” Pruitt said. “A lie doesn’t become true just because it appears on the front page of the newspaper.” (The Washington Post, 4/26/18) Exit
EPA Chief Scott Pruitt Is Victim Of 'Washington Politics,' Says Senior Texas Republican. “[Rep. Joe Barton], suggested that Pruitt was an easy target for Democrats because of his policy positions, such as ‘fighting some of the Obama administration radical clean air policies.’ He added that if ‘you can't debate policies in Washington, you attack the personality.’” (The Dallas Morning News [] , 04/26/18) Exit
Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA): “Frankly I think Scott Pruitt has done a great job of reinstating sanity in the rulemaking and regulating process at EPA.” (CNN, 04/26/18) Exit
Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX): “Explaining why EPA employees who favor Paris climate accord have leaked unflattering info about Pruitt: ‘if you can’t debate the policy you attack the personality’” (Twitter, 04/26/18) Exit
Rep. Bill Johnson (R-Ohio): “It’s shameful today that this hearing has turned into a personal attack hearing and a shameful attempt to denigrate the work that’s being one at the EPA.” (Twitter, 04/26/18) Exit
Rep. Gregg Harper (R-Miss.): “Says Pruitt is the victim of "bloodsport." (Twitter, 04/26/18) Exit
Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-ND): “I never cease to be impressed by the level of detail you know.” (Twitter, 04/26/18) Exit