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News Releases from Region 05

U.S. EPA Begins Soil Sampling at Taylor Creek Youth Organization Fields in Cincinnati

Contact Information: 
Rachel Bassler (

For Immediate Release: No. 18-OPA012

CHICAGO (May 8, 2018) – This week, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will conduct soil sampling at the Taylor Creek Youth Organization property located at 8015 Furlong Drive, in Whitewater Township, Cincinnati. Earlier this year, Hamilton County Health Department sampled baseball and softball fields after receiving a citizen complaint that the fields were being used for turkey shoots, potentially leaving behind lead from the projectiles.  

U.S. EPA will sample the fields this week and determine the next steps after the sample results are reviewed. The agency will coordinate with Hamilton County Health Department on any recommendations for use of the fields. Reducing childhood lead exposure and addressing associated health impacts is a top priority for the Trump Administration and U.S. EPA. 

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Superfund Task Force. In May 2017 Administrator Scott Pruitt established a task force to restore EPA's Superfund program to its rightful place at the center of the Agency's core mission to protect health and the environment. Click here to learn more.