News Releases from Region 07
EPA, Gasconade and Warren Counties Reach Settlement on Clean Water Act Violations
Environmental News
(Lenexa, Kan., May 17, 2016) - EPA Region 7 has reached a proposed administrative settlement of Section 404 violations of the Clean Water Act by Gasconade and Warren counties in Missouri, which requires each county to pay a cash penalty of $3,000.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers investigations found the counties had violated the Clean Water Act by failing to obtain Section 404 permits from the Corps in association with gravel mining operations conducted in waters of the U.S. The unpermitted violations impacted approximately 2,376 linear feet of Third Creek and Crider Creek in Gasconade County, and 2,595 linear feet of Massie Creek in Warren County.
The Clean Water Act seeks to protect streams and wetlands that form the foundation of the nation’s water resources. Protecting streams and wetlands is also part of adapting to climate change impacts like drought, stronger storms, and warmer temperatures. Gravel work in streams may cause habitat destruction; decreased water quality due to greater amounts of sediment in streams; and downstream impacts such as bank erosion and flooding, as a result of increases in stream velocity.
The settlement is subject to a 40-day public comment period before it becomes final. Information on how to submit comments is available online.
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