News Releases from Region 03
EPA Actions Protect and Restore the Delaware River Basin
Agency Awards $602,000
PHILADELPHIA (May 16, 2019) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency works to help protect and improve environmental conditions throughout the Delaware River Basin. Today, the Agency is announcing its award of a $602,000 grant to the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC). The funding will be used by DRBC to conduct its programs involving water quality protection, water supply allocation, water conservation, watershed planning, drought management, flood mitigation, and recreational activities.
“This iconic river and basin enriches the Delaware Valley as an ecological and cultural treasure,” said EPA Regional Administrator Cosmo Servidio. “EPA continues to place a high priority on the Delaware River and is providing resources that are making a difference in the River and the entire Delaware Basin.”
Prominent examples include:
EPA has been instrumental in supporting key teams and initiatives that are achieving success in the watershed - from the Schuylkill Action Network to the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary.
EPA administers and oversees how authorized states implement the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act programs for protecting our water resources.
EPA provides critical infrastructure and restoration funding, protects drinking water, sets science-based pollution limits, assesses progress and enforces federal laws.
EPA oversees cleanup of hazardous waste sites in the watershed that are on the National Priorities List, and provides funding under EPA's Brownfields Grant Program that helps protect water quality by reducing pollutant contributions.
Examples of Funding Support:
Delaware Estuary Program, providing annual funding, national guidance, and technical assistance to the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary - $655,000 in FY2019.
EPA provides funding to the states for priority water infrastructure projects through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund to Delaware and Pennsylvania for priority water infrastructure projects.In FY 2019 – a total of $11 million to Delaware, and a total of $96.82M to Pennsylvania.
EPA issues Clean Water Action Section 319 grants to Delaware to support efforts to reduce polluted runoff from nonpoint sources. In FY2019, Delaware was awarded $4,660,900 (includes $10,000 in-kind funds).
Examples of Programmatic Support:
EPA reviews state-issued permits for the discharge of pollution to receiving waters to ensure they meet Clean Water Act requirements for limiting and monitoring discharges, and conducts Clean Water Act compliance monitoring and enforcement activities.
EPA approves changes to state water quality standards established to protect the "designated uses," such as aquatic life, drinking water, fish consumption and recreation.
EPA ensures that states meet Safe Drinking Water Act Source Water Assessment Program requirements for public drinking water systems and that noncompliance with drinking water standards is addressed.
For more information about EPA grants visit