EPA to assess residential yards in Logansport, Indiana, for potential lead contamination and cleanup
CHICAGO – Oct. 20, 2021 – Next week, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will begin to assess residential yards near Exide Technologies’ former lead-acid battery manufacturing facility at 303 Water St. in Logansport, Indiana, for potential lead contamination. EPA will collect and analyze soil samples to determine any necessary cleanup activity.
On Oct. 25 and 26, EPA staff along with representatives from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management and the Cass County Health Department will go door-to-door to homes along Aster and Water Streets to provide information on potential lead contamination and offer soil testing. Residents and property owners can contact Lauren McCarrell, EPA On-Scene Coordinator, mccarrell.lauren@epa.gov and at 312-886-6194 or Francisco Arcaute, EPA Community Involvement Coordinator, arcaute.francisco@epa.gov and 312-886-7613 to discuss their questions and concerns.
Residential access consent forms available here: response.epa.gov/ExideCorporation
National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week is October 24-30, 2021. EPA, along with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are working together to raise awareness, provide resources and encourage action to prevent children’s exposure to lead.
For more information: https://www.epa.gov/lead/national-lead-poisoning-prevention-week