State and federal agencies respond to public comments, move forward on plans for cleaning up tank waste at Hanford Site
RICHLAND, Wash. – State and federal agencies responded today to public comments received and are moving forward on revised plans for treating and disposing of millions of gallons of radioactive and hazardous waste currently stored in underground tanks at the Hanford Site in southeast Washington.
The U.S. Department of Energy (USDOE), Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) posted a summary of the public comments and agency responses on Hanford’s website this morning, and are now working to finalize the agreement.
In the coming weeks, the three agencies will formalize revisions to the Tri-Party Agreement (TPA), which guides cleanup work at the site. A federal court will also need to approve a joint amendment to the Washington v. Energy consent decree.
The agencies announced a landmark agreement in April that outlines a realistic and achievable course for cleaning up Hanford’s tank waste. Following that announcement, the agencies sought and considered public input on proposed new and revised tank waste cleanup deadlines in the TPA and consent decree.
This public involvement effort included a 30-day preview, 90-day public comment period, and three hybrid (both in-person and virtual) public meetings across Washington and Oregon.
The agencies collected 185 comments during the public comment period, all of which were considered by the agencies prior to issuing a comment responsiveness summary and updating the agreement.
The agencies also offered consultation to the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation, Confedered Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, Nez Perce Tribe, and the Wanapum Band. Comments received from these Tribes will be responded to via letter.
In response to public and Tribal comments received, USDOE has agreed to hold a 30-day review and comment period on a draft National Environmental Policy Act Supplement Analysis associated with the proposed plan for retrieving, grouting, and transporting some of Hanford’s low-activity tank waste for out-of-state disposal.
The 30-day comment period on is anticipated to begin early 2025.
The agencies revised the due dates for several of the proposed milestones to allow additional time for this public involvement process. One of these is the deadline for USDOE’s decision on where to grout the waste, which has now been extended by one year to the end of 2025.
Statements from TPA agency leadership
Brian Vance, Manager, Hanford Field Office: “Public comments provide important and valued perspectives that contribute to informed decisions on our complex cleanup mission at the Hanford site. We appreciate everyone who shared their perspectives through the public comment process as well as those who participated in the constructive public meetings on this important agreement in July.”
Stephanie Schleif, Ecology Nuclear Waste Program Manager: “We heard the public’s feedback on the proposed changes and the desire for more engagement opportunities. That input is making the agreement a stronger, more durable plan. Cleaning up Hanford’s tank waste is a critical priority for our state, and it’s essential that this process includes the perspectives of Tribal governments and impacted communities.”
Dan Opalski, EPA Deputy Regional Administrator: “The voices and opinions of the Hanford community are vital to this process. Thanks to the thoughtful input, we can continue this work with these important perspectives in mind.”
Producing plutonium at the Hanford Site left a legacy of about 56 million gallons of radioactive and chemically hazardous waste stored in 177 underground tanks. USDOE is responsible for the Hanford Site and its cleanup. Ecology and the EPA are regulatory agencies overseeing USDOE’s cleanup under the Tri-Party Agreement, a judicial consent decree, and various permits.
For background information on Hanford, visit USDOE’s Hanford website and Ecology’s website.
Media Contacts
- Geoffrey Tyree, U.S. Department of Energy,, 509-308-4287
- Annagrisel Alvarez, Washington Department of Ecology,, 509-392-2648
- Beth Clemons, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,, 206-473-7106