U.S. EPA Honors 2020 ENERGY STAR Partners of the Year in Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, DC and West Virginia
Contact: R3press@epa.gov
U.S. EPA Honors 2020 ENERGY STAR® Partners of the Year in Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, DC and West Virginia
PHILADELPHIA (April 1, 2020) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s mid-Atlantic Region and the U.S. Department of Energy are honoring 30 ENERGY STAR partners for their outstanding contributions to public health and the environment by demonstrating national leadership in cost-saving energy efficient solutions. These enterprises are among the 191 ENERGY STAR Award winners honored this year nationwide.
“I salute the 2020 ENERGY STAR award winners,” said Anne Idsal, EPA Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation. “These leaders demonstrate how energy efficiency drives economic competitiveness in tandem with environmental protection.”
Since 1992, ENERGY STAR and its thousands of partners have helped American families and businesses save more than 4 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity and achieve over 3.5 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas reductions. In 2018 alone, ENERGY STAR and its partners helped Americans avoid nearly $35 billion in energy costs.
“Conserving energy is one of the most important things we can do to protect public health and the environment, while saving money at the same time.” said EPA Regional Administrator Cosmo Servidio. “That’s not just doing the right thing, it makes good business sense as well.”
Examples of how mid-Atlantic Regional ENERGY STAR Award winners have demonstrated leadership include:
(Dover, DE) The Delaware Sustainabile Energy Utility, for improving the adoption of energy-saving, whole-house measures by homeowners after home assessments are conducted.
(Ellicott Mills, MD) Pando Alliance, for certifying more than 1,000 homes as ENERGY STAR in 2019 and promoting the early adoption of the ENERGY STAR Multifamily New Construction program.
(Allentown, PA) PPL Electric Utilities, for effectively integrating ENERGY STAR into retail, behavioral, rebate, and low-income program promotions, reaching customers more than 15 million times.
(Ashburn, VA) Loudon County Public Schools, for saving more than $6 million in energy costs and preventing the emissions of more than 27,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide.
(Washington, DC) Portland Cement Association, for supporting ENERGY STAR and U.S. cement producers in their efforts to benchmark the energy performance of cement plants and improve the energy efficiency of these production facilities.
(Charleston, WV) Appalachian Power Company, for saving its Virginia and West Virginia customers 22 million kilowatt-hours of electricity with ENERGY STAR certified appliances and lighting and for incentivizing 623,000 ENERGY STAR certified LED bulbs and 653 ENERGY STAR certified appliances in West Virginia.
Read more about each of the award winners’ achievements
ENERGY STAR® is the government-backed symbol for energy efficiency, providing simple, credible, and unbiased information that consumers and businesses rely on to make well-informed decisions. Thousands of industrial, commercial, utility, state, and local organizations—including more than 40 percent of the Fortune 500®—rely on their partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to deliver cost-saving energy efficiency solutions. More information about ENERGY STAR can be found at: energystar.gov/about and energystar.gov/numbers.
EPA Mid-Atlantic Region’s mission is to protect human health and the environment for Delaware, District of Columbia Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia and seven federally recognized tribes. Meeting the diverse environmental challenges of a Region with the nation’s largest estuary, rural expanses and major cities and agricultural centers, EPA Mid-Atlantic’s successes are shouldered by the dedication and talents of its employees and the strong relationships it has fostered with partners in its states and communities. For more information, visit: https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2020-02/documents/r3_digital-final-mid-atlantic-yir-report-2019.pdf
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