Chelsea Berg

Chelsea Berg is an environmental scientist with a background in outdoor education, art and storytelling. She's a big advocate for science communication, and she’s had the opportunity to participate in Alan Alda workshops, an Edward Tufte course, and the National Academy of Sciences’ Science of Science Communication meeting. She's worked on several exciting projects at EPA: maps for community use, methods to destroy man-made chemicals, Health Impact Assessments, ecosystem services, translational science, solutions-driven research projects, STEM outreach, etc. She deployed with FEMA in 2017 to serve as an EPA Surge Capacity Force volunteer under public assistance, and trained as an Environmental and Historic Preservation Specialist. Ask her about data visualization, poster design, systems science, scuba diving and the difference between science translation and translational science.
Prior to joining EPA, Chelsea worked as an outdoor educator in Tennessee and the Florida Keys, a watershed association fellow in Maine, and a graduate research assistant in New Hampshire. Chelsea earned a BS degree in Environmental Studies with a Biology Concentration and MS degree in Environmental Science & Policy from Plymouth State University, NH.
Presentation | Audience | Duration | Availability |
Air Quality | Grades K-5, 6-8 | 30-45 minutes | Flexible |
- The Speakers Bureau is available for scheduling presentations only. For questions about EPA Research, visit Contact Us About EPA Research. For general questions about EPA, visit Contact EPA.
- Travel is limited to approximately 50 miles from Research Triangle Park, North Carolina (Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill) area. All travel is up to the discretion of the speaker.
- There is no charge for a speaker.
- Submit requests at least 4 weeks in advance.
- Requests limited to two speakers per event.
- If you have a large event and would like to request multiple speakers from EPA, Contact the Speakers Bureau for assistance.
Confirmation Policy:
If you need to cancel or reschedule, contact the speakers as soon as possible, but no later than 1 week prior to the presentation.