Oklahoma OAC 252 Chapter 4. Rules of Practice and Procedure, Subchapter 7. Environmental Permit Process, Part 1. The Process, SIP effective June 14, 2017 (OKd21) to May 10, 2020
Regulatory Text:
Oklahoma Administrative Code, Title 252, Department of Environmental Quality
Chapter 4. Rules of Practice and Procedure (OAC 252:4)
PART 1. THE PROCESS, Sections 252:4-7-1 to 252:4-7-19.
As approved by EPA May 15, 2017 (82 FR 22281) SIP effective June 14, 2017 (OKd21).
As adopted in the Oklahoma Register June 1, 2001 (18 Ok Reg 1922) effective June 11, 2001.
Submitted to EPA February 14, 2002, Regulations.gov document EPA-R06-OAR-2006-0389-0005 [OK005.05] and
Regulations.gov document EPA-R06-OAR-2007-0989-0007 [OK007.07].
Approved by EPA May 15, 2017 (82 FR 22281) SIP effective June 14, 2017 (OKd21),
Regulations.gov document EPA-R06-OAR-2007-0989-0020 [OK007.20].
Explanations for Sections 252:4-7-1 to 252:4-7-19 -- "Applicable to minor NSR permitting under OAC 252:100-7. Approved for major NSR permitting 11/26/2010, 75 FR 72695."
Additional Explanation for Section 252:4-7-2 -- "NOT in SIP: second sentence."
Additional Explanation for Section 252:4-7-4 -- "NOT in SIP: Subsection (a), first sentence."
Additional Explanations for Section 252:4-7-13 -- "NOT in SIP: Subsection (a)" and "NOT in SIP: Paragraph (e) and paragraph (f) requirements for permits other than Part 70 permits."
252:4-7-1. Authority, OKd21
252:4-7-2. Preamble, OKd21
252:4-7-3. Compliance, OKd21
252:4-7-4. Filing an application, OKd21
252:4-7-5. Fees, OKd21
252:4-7-6. Receipt of applications, OKd21
252:4-7-7. Administrative completeness review, OKd21
252:4-7-8. Technical review, OKd21
252:4-7-9. When review times stop, OKd21
252:4-7-10. Supplemental time, OKd21
252:4-7-11. Extensions, OKd21
252:4-7-12. Failure to meet deadline, OKd21
252:4-7-13. Notices, OKd21
252:4-7-14. Withdrawing applications, OKd21
252:4-7-15. Permit issuance or denial, OKd21
252:4-7-16. Tier II and III modifications, OKd21
252:4-7-17. Permit decision-making authority, OKd21
252:4-7-18. Pre-issuance permit review and correction, OKd21
252:4-7-19. Consolidation of permitting process, OKd21
252:4-7-1. Authority
The rules in this Subchapter implement the Oklahoma Uniform Environmental Permitting Act, 27A O.S. § 2-14-101 et seq., and apply to applicants for and holders of DEQ permits and other authorizations.
252:4-7-2. Preamble
NOT in SIP: second sentence.
The Uniform Environmental Permitting Act requires that DEQ licenses, permits, certificates, approvals and registrations fit into an application category, or Tier, established under the uniform environmental permitting rules. Tier I is the category for those things that are basically administrative decisions which can be made by a technical supervisor with no public participation except for the landowner. Tier II is the category for those permit applications that have some public participation (notice to the public, the opportunity for a public meeting and public comment), and the administrative decision is made by the Division Director. Tier III is the category for those permit applications that have extensive public participation (notice to the public, the opportunity for a public meeting and public comment, and the opportunity for an administrative evidentiary hearing), and the administrative decision is made by the Executive Director.
252:4-7-3. Compliance
Applicants and permittees are subject to the laws and rules of the DEQ as they exist on the date of filing an application and afterwards as changed.
252:4-7-4. Filing an application
NOT in SIP: Subsection (a), first sentence.
(a) Tier I. The applicant shall file (2) copies of a Tier I application unless the application form or instructions specifies that only one (1) copy is needed. Applicants seeking permits for alternative individual on-site sewage disposal systems and alternative small public on-site sewage disposal systems (OAC 252:641) shall file one copy with the local DEQ office for the county in which the real property is located.
(b) Tier II & III. The applicant shall file three (3) copies of Tier II and Tier III applications with the DEQ and place one (1) copy for public review in the county in which the site, facility or activity is located.
252:4-7-5. Fees
Fees shall be submitted with the application and, except as herein provided, will not be refunded.
252:4-7-6. Receipt of applications
When an application and appropriate fee are received, each program shall:
(1) file stamp the application with the date of receipt, the Division and/or program name and an identification number;
(2) assign the application to a permit reviewer; and
(3) enter this information in a database or log book.
252:4-7-7. Administrative completeness review
The reviewer shall have 60 calendar days from the file-stamped date of filing to determine if the application is administratively complete.
(1) Not complete. If the reviewer decides that the application is not complete, he/she shall immediately notify the applicant by mail, describing with reasonable specificity the deficiencies and requesting supplemental information. The reviewer may continue to ask for specific information until the application is administratively complete. If the reviewer does not notify the applicant of deficiencies, the period for technical review shall begin at the close of the administrative completeness review period.
(2) Complete. When the application is administratively complete, the reviewer shall enter the date in the database or log book and immediately notify the applicant by mail. The period for technical review begins.
252:4-7-8. Technical review
(a) Each program shall have the time period specified in Parts 3 through 5 of this Subchapter to review each application for technical compliance with the relevant rules and to reach a final determination. If the data in the application does not technically comply with the relevant rules or law, the reviewer may notify the applicant by mail, describing with reasonable specificity the deficiencies and requesting supplemental information.
(b) Any environmental permit that is not described in this Subchapter shall be reviewed with all due and reasonable speed.
252:4-7-9. When review times stop
The time period for review stops during:
(1) litigation;
(2) public review and participation, including waiting periods, comment periods, public meetings, administrative hearings, DEQ preparation of response to comments and/or review by state or federal agencies;
(3) requests for supplemental information; and
(4) the time in which an applicant amends his/her application of his/her own accord.
252:4-7-10. Supplemental time
The Notice of Deficiencies and request for supplemental information may state that up to 30 additional calendar days may be added to the application processing time. Requests for supplemental information may also state that additional days for technical review equal to the number of days the applicant used to respond may be added to the review time.
252:4-7-11. Extensions
Extensions to the time lines of this Subchapter shall only be made by agreement or when the Executive Director certifies that circumstances outside the DEQ's control, including acts of God, a substantial and unexpected increase in the number of applications filed, or additional review duties imposed on the DEQ from an outside source, prevent the reviewer from meeting the time periods.
252:4-7-12. Failure to meet deadline
Where failure to meet a deadline is imminent, then:
(1) At least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the deadline the DEQ shall reassign staff and/or retain outside consultants to meet such deadline; or
(2) The applicant may agree to an extension of time for a specific purpose and period of time with refund of the entire application fee, unless a refund is prohibited by law.
252:4-7-13. Notices
NOT in SIP: Subsection (a)
NOT in SIP: Subsection (e) and subsection (f) requirements for permits other than Part 70 permit.
(a) Statutory requirements for notice. The Uniform Environmental Permitting Act requires an applicant to give notice in accordance with 27A O.S. § 2-14-301.
(b) Notice to landowner. Applicants shall certify by affidavit that they own the real property, have a current lease or easement which is given to accomplish the permitted purpose or have provided legal notice to the landowner.
(c) Notice content. The applicant shall provide DEQ with a draft notice for approval prior to publication. All published legal notice(s) shall contain the:
(1) Name and address of the applicant;
(2) Name, address and legal description of the site, facility and/or activity;
(3) Purpose of notice;
(4) Type of permit or permit action being sought;
(5) Description of activities to be regulated;
(6) Locations where the application may be reviewed;
(7) Names, addresses and telephone numbers of contact persons for the DEQ and for the applicant;
(8) Description of public participation opportunities and time period for comment and requests; and
(9) Any other information required by DEQ rules.
(d) Proof of publication. Within twenty (20) days after the date of publication, an applicant shall provide the DEQ with a written affidavit of publication for each notice published. In case of a mistake in a published notice, the DEQ shall require a legal notice of correction or republication of the entire notice, whichever is appropriate. Inconsequential errors in spelling, grammar or punctuation shall not be cause for correction or republication.
NOT in SIP: Paragraph (e) and paragraph (f) requirements for permits other than Part 70 permit.
(e) Exception to notice requirement. Applicants for solid waste transfer station permits may be exempt from public meeting requirements under 27A O.S. § 2-10-307.
(f) Additional notice.
(1) Applicants for a NPDES, RCRA or UIC permit are subject to additional notice provisions of federal requirements adopted by reference as DEQ rules.
(2) Applicants for a proposed wastewater discharge permit that may affect the water quality of a neighboring state or a Part 70 permit that may affect the air quality of a neighboring state must give written notice to the environmental regulatory agency of that state. [27A O.S. § 2-5-112(E)]
(3) Applicants for a landfill permit shall provide notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, to owners of mineral interests and to adjacent landowners whose property may be substantially affected by installation of a landfill site. See DuLaney v. OSDH, 868 P.2d 676 ( Okl. 1993).
252:4-7-14. Withdrawing applications
(a) By applicant. An applicant may withdraw an application at any time with written notice to the DEQ and forfeiture of fees.
(b) By DEQ. Except for good cause shown, when an applicant fails to supplement an application within 180 days after the mailing date of a Notice of Deficiencies, or by an agreed date, the DEQ shall void the application. The DEQ shall notify the applicant of an opportunity to show cause why this should not occur.
252:4-7-15. Permit issuance or denial
(a) Compliance required. A new, modified or renewed permit or other authorization sought by the applicant shall not be issued until the DEQ has determined the application is in substantial compliance with applicable requirements of the Code and DEQ rules.
(b) Conditions for issuance. The Department may not issue a new, modified or renewed permit or other authorization sought by the applicant if:
(1) The applicant has not paid all monies owed to the DEQ or is not in substantial compliance with the Code, DEQ rules and the terms of any existing DEQ permits and orders. The DEQ may impose special conditions on the applicant to assure compliance and/or a separate schedule which the DEQ considers necessary to achieve required compliance; or
(2) Material facts were misrepresented or omitted from the application and the applicant knew or should have known of such misrepresentation or omission.
252:4-7-16. Tier II and III modifications
For Tier II and III permit modification actions, only those issues relevant to the modification(s) shall be reopened for public review and comment.
252:4-7-17. Permit decision-making authority
(a) Designated positions. The Executive Director may delegate in writing the power and duty to issue, renew, amend, modify and deny permits and take other authorization or registration action. Unless delegated to a Division Director by formal assignment or rule, the authority to act on Tier I applications shall be delegated to positions within each permitting program having technical supervisory responsibilities and, for local actions authorized by law, to environmental specialist positions held by the DEQ's local services representatives. The authority to act on emergency permits or Tier II applications shall be delegated to the Division Director of the applicable permitting division.
(b) Revision. The Executive Director may amend any delegation in writing.
252:4-7-18. Pre-issuance permit review and correction
(a) Applicant review. The DEQ may ask an applicant to review its permit for calculation and clerical errors or mistakes of fact or law before the permit is issued.
(b) Correction. The DEQ may correct any permit before it is issued.
(1) Notice of significant corrections. For permits based on Tier II and III applications, an applicant shall publish legal notice in one newspaper local to the site of any correction or change proposed by the DEQ which significantly alters a facility's permitted size, capacity or limits.
(2) Comments. The DEQ may open a public comment period and/or reconvene a public meeting and/or administrative hearing to receive public comments on the proposed correction(s).
252:4-7-19. Consolidation of permitting process
(a) Discretionary. Whenever an applicant applies for more than one permit for the same site, the DEQ may authorize, with the consent of the applicant, the review of the applications to be consolidated so that each required draft permit, draft denial and/or proposed permit is prepared at the same time and public participation opportunities are combined.
(b) Scope. When consolidation is authorized by the DEQ:
(1) The procedural requirements for the highest specified tier shall apply to each affected application.
(2) The DEQ may also authorize the consolidation of public comment periods, process and public meetings, and/or administrative permit hearings.
(3) Final permits may be issued together.
(c) Renewal. The DEQ may coordinate the expiration dates of new permits issued to an applicant for the same facility or activity so that all the permits are of the same duration.
(d) Multiple modifications. Subsections (a) and (b) of this section shall also apply to multiple Tier II and III applications for permit modifications.
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