Summary of Oakridge PM2.5 Attainment Plan Update
The Oakridge-Westfir area within Lane County Oregon was designated nonattainment for PM2.5 on November 13, 2009 (74 FR 58688 (pdf)) and later classified as moderate on June 2, 2014 (79 FR 31566 (pdf)).
The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted the Lane Regional Air Protection Agency’s (LRAPA) Oakridge-Westfir PM2.5 attainment plan on December 12, 2012.
Oakridge did not meet the statutory attainment date of 2015 based on its three year design value, although the area met the criteria for extending its attainment date by one year, and the EPA extended its attainment date to December 31, 2016 on July 18, 2016 (81 FR 46612 (pdf)).
On July 28, 2016 (81 FR 49592 (pdf)) the EPA proposed, and on October 21, 2016 (81 FR 72714 (pdf)) the EPA finalized approval of the emissions inventory and the LRAPA rules describing the Oakridge-Westfir PM2.5 nonattainment area and listing of the area as nonattainment. The remaining elements of the plan were disapproved.
On January 20, 2017, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted LRAPA’s Oakridge-Westfir PM2.5 attainment plan update which corrects deficiencies in the 2012 Oakridge attainment plan.
On November 14, 2017 (82 FR 52683 (pdf)) the EPA proposed, and on February 8, 2018, (83 FR 5537 (pdf)) the EPA finalized the finding of attainment, clean data determination and PM2.5 attainment plan approval for the Oakridge-Westfir PM2.5 nonattainment area.
The plan relies on control strategies needed to assure attainment of the PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The strategy focused primarily on control of residential wood combustion through a curtailment program during the winter heating season.
- Ordinance 912, only with respect to Sections 1, 2(1), 2(2), 3, 4, 5 and 7.
EPA Effective Date
March 12, 2018