Texas SIP: 30 TAC 117.451-117.458: Nitric Acid Manufacturing - General; SIP effective 2000.12.26
Regulatory Text:
TNRCC Chapter 117 – Control of Air Pollution from Nitrogen Compounds
Subchapter C : Acid Manufacturing
(As approved by EPA September 1, 2000 (65 FR 53172) effective October 31, 2000)
§ 117.451 Applicability.
§ 117.455 Emission Specifications.
§ 117.458 Applicability of Federal New Source Performance Standards.
§117.451. Applicability.
As adopted by TNRCC May 20, 1998, effective June 10, 1998
The emission limitations specified in §117.455 of this title (relating to Emission Specifications) shall apply to all nitric acid production units in the state, with the exception that for nitric acid production units located in applicable ozone nonattainment areas, the emission limitations of §117.405 of this title (relating to Emission Specifications) shall apply after November 15, 1999.
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§117.455. Emission Specifications.
As adopted by TNRCC May 11, 1993, effective June 9, 1993
No person shall allow emissions of nitrogen oxides, calculated as nitrogen dioxide, from any nitric acid production unit to exceed 600 parts per million by volume.
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§117.458. Applicability of Federal New Source Performance Standards.
As adopted by TNRCC May 11, 1993, effective June 9, 1993
None of the provisions of this subchapter (relating to Acid Manufacturing) shall be construed to limit or preclude applicability of any provision of 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 60, Subpart G (Standards of Performance for Nitric Acid Plants).
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