EPA Announces Record of Decision for Hastings Superfund Site, Operable Unit 1, in Hastings, Nebraska
Environmental News

The ROD outlines the cleanup plan the Agency will implement to clean up contaminated groundwater at the site. The cleanup plan combines continued groundwater extraction via the existing Whalen Energy Center well field and Well D to address residual groundwater contamination; treatment of extracted groundwater via beneficial use as non-contact cooling water; and a long-term monitoring program to monitor performance and effectiveness of the cleanup.
“Ensuring public access to clean and safe drinking water is one of EPA’s most important missions,” said EPA Region 7 Administrator Jim Gulliford. “The cleanup at the Hastings Superfund Site will restore contaminated groundwater and preserve this important resource for future generations.”
EPA placed the site on the National Priorities List in 1986. The site consists of seven subsites with 20 operable units (OUs). Contamination from a vapor degreasing operation, former landfills, coal gas plant, industrial park, wartime ordnance manufacturing facility, and grain elevator have contaminated public and private water supplies.
Some subsites have been cleaned up; however, at some subsites environmental risks remain and long-term cleanup is ongoing. Operation and maintenance activities and monitoring are also ongoing where cleanups have been completed. Additional information regarding completed and ongoing cleanups of the subsites is available on EPA’s Site Profile Page.
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