FY 2014 Source Reduction Assistance Grant Results Summary
The Pollution Prevention Program reports the environmental results of grants. These grants produce annual environmental results in pounds of hazardous materials reduced, BTUs of energy, water and dollars saved.
Source Reduction Assistance (SRA) awards support pollution prevention through source reduction and resource conservation work. SRA awards are issued to fund projects that support one or more of the P2 Program’s National Emphasis Areas – 1) Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 2) Food Manufacturing and Processing and 3) State or Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction. These areas will promote national environmental themes and strategies reflected within EPA’s P2 Program.
As authorized under the statutory authorities for this grant program, proposals must carry out project activities using one or more of the following methods – surveys, studies, research, investigation, experimentation, education, training and/or demonstrations.