Listening Session Presentations
For information on the agencies' current outreach efforts, please click here.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of the Army (the agencies) held ten teleconferences for a variety of stakeholders and one in-person meeting for small entities in Fall 2017 to hear from stakeholders their recommendations to revise the definition of “Waters of the United States” under the Clean Water Act (CWA). These listening sessions were a part of the agencies' pre-proposal outreach efforts on the revised definition.
- Listening Session for Small Entities - September 19, 2017 (pdf)
- Listening Session for Environmental and Public Health Stakeholders (pdf)
- Listening Session for Conservation Stakeholders (pdf)
- Listening Session for Construction and Transportation Stakeholders (pdf)
- Listening Session for Agriculture Stakeholders - October 17, 2017 (pdf)
- In-Person Meeting for Small Entities - October 23, 2017 (pdf)
- Listening Session for Industry Stakeholders - October 24, 2017 (pdf)
- Listening Session for Mining and Resource Extraction Stakeholders - October 31, 2017 (pdf)
- Listening Session for Scientific Organizations and Academia - November 7, 2017 (pdf)
- Listening Session for Stormwater, Wastewater Management, and Drinking Water Agencies - November 14, 2017 (pdf)
- Listening Session for the General Public - November 21, 2017 (pdf)