Surface Water Quality Modeling Tools
Surface water quality modeling tools help water quality professionals address water quality problems and support the development of Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) plans, assess permit conditions for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) facilities, evaluate policy and water quality effects of potential actions, and conduct other water quality analyses.
HAWQS (Hydrologic and Water Quality System)
HAWQS is a water quantity and quality modeling system that evaluates the impacts of management alternatives, pollution control scenarios and climate change scenarios
How's My Waterway
The user-friendly How's My Waterway application shows conditions of local streams, lakes and other waters anywhere in the U.S.
NHDPlus (National Hydrography Dataset Plus)
The NHDPlus framework provides comprehensive data about surface water and water quality.
The WATERS (Watershed Assessment, Tracking & Environmental Results System) framework unites water quality information from various unconnected database systems.
WATERS GeoViewer
WATERS GeoViewer is a web mapping application which allows users to view data and execute web services provided by the US EPA Office of Water’s Watershed Assessment, Tracking & Environmental Results System (WATERS).
Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP)
WASP is a dynamic compartment-modeling program for aquatic systems, including both the water column and the underlying benthos.
Water Quality Framework
The Water Quality Framework streamlines water quality assessment and reporting by integrating existing systems.