Power Resilience for the Water and Wastewater Sector
EPA has developed resources to help drinking water and wastewater utilities prepare for, respond to, and recover from power outages that could have significant impacts on a utility’s operations and the community it serves.
"Power to Keep Water Moving" provides an overview of the importance of building power resilience at drinking water and wastewater utilities (runtime 4:45 min)
Featured Products
Power Resilience Guide
This guidance document provides water and wastewater utilities with information and strategies for strengthening their relationships with their electric providers and increasing their resilience to power outages. (Updated in May 2023)
Power Resilience: An Achievable Goal
This document presents the business case for utilities implementing power resilience strategies, as well as case studies that highlight the benefits that can be achieved.
Power Resilience Tools and Resources
Learn more about power resilience resources and case studies developed by EPA and other agencies. These tools and resources, developed by EPA and other agencies, cover topics such as public safety power shutoff (PSPS) procedures, generator preparedness, and telecommunications during power outages.
Learn more about power resilience tools and resources.
Water Sector Power Resilience Case Studies
These case studies illustrate how water and wastewater utilities can increase their resilience to power outages by following strategies outlined in the Power Resilience Guide, such as increasing energy efficiency and building backup power capacity.
Learn more about power resilience case studies.
Recorded Webinars and Workshops
These recordings of power resilience events cover subjects such as backup power generators, power resilience funding sources, and EPA resources.
Access recorded webinars and workshops.
Upcoming Power Resilience Trainings
EPA is committed to providing training on power resilience topics to the Water Sector. Please see the upcoming schedule below.
Virginia Water and Power Resilience Workshop
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's WICRD, U.S. EPA Region 3, and the Virginia Department of Health's Office of Drinking Water (ODW) will host an in-person workshop addressing the impact of power outages on water systems and electric utilities