CWA-09-2022-0020; Lunday-Thagard Company dba World Oil Refining, South Gate, CA
Consent Agreement and Proposed Final Order between EPA Region 9 and Lunday-Thagard Company dba World Oil Refining to resolve a Clean Water Act Class II civil administrative penalty proceeding.
Complainant: Amy Miller-Bowen, Director, Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Division, U.S. EPA, Region 9, 75 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, CA 94105.
Respondent: Lunday-Thagard Company dba World Oil Refining, South Gate, California.
Description of Business or Activity Conducted by the Respondent: Respondent owns and operates the facility located at 9301 & 9302 Garfield Avenue in South Gate, California, which engages in petroleum refining and maintains onshore bulk storage of various grades of roofing and paving asphalt, gas oil, and lube oils.
Summary of Alleged Violations: Respondent failed to comply with the Oil Pollution Prevention Regulations. Specifically, Respondent failed comply with Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) requirements by failing to: (1) implement tank and facility inspections according to the written procedures in the SPCC Plan; (2) inspect and conduct integrity tests on tanks in accordance with industry standards; and (3) promptly correct visible discharges which result in a loss of oil from containers throughout the Facility. Respondent also failed to develop an adequate Facility Response Plan by failing to: (1) identify, by contract or other approved means, the availability of an Oil Spill Removal Organization; (2) provide details specifying the facility emergency response plan personnel; (3) include an evacuation plan; (4) provide complete worst case discharge planning data; (5) include facility self-inspection elements; (6) include certain elements of the facility drills and exercises program; and (7) include complete facility diagrams detail.
Proposed Penalty: $112,673