EnviroAtlas Web Applications
The Interactive Map and Eco-Health Relationship Browser are the flagship EnviroAtlas applications. In addition to these, EnviroAtlas provides several downloadable toolboxes and other tools designed for use within the EnviroAtlas interactive mapping application.
Interactive Map
The Interactive Map is a multi-scaled online GIS portal that provides access to over 500 data layers and multiple built-in analysis tools. Learn more and access the Interactive Map.

Eco-Health Relationship Browser
The Eco-Health Relationship Browser illustrates scientific evidence for the linkages between ecosystems, the services they provide, and human health. Learn more and access the 1,000+ articles available in the Eco-Health Browser.

EnviroAtlas also provides downloadable geospatial toolboxes that can be accessed from our Technical Resources section.
Additional decision-support tools and models can be found on the Related Resources and Links page.