Stormwater Discharges from Industrial Activities-Fact Sheets and Guidance
- Industrial Stormwater Fact Sheet Series
- Industrial Stormwater Resources
- Resilient Stormwater Control Measure Design
Industrial Stormwater Fact Sheet Series
EPA has developed a fact sheet for each of the 29 industrial sectors regulated by the MSGP. Each fact sheet describes the types of facilities included in the sector, typical pollutants associated with the sector, and types of stormwater control measures used to minimize the discharge of the pollutants.
- Sector A: Timber Products Facilities (pdf)
- Sector B: Paper and Allied Products Manufacturing Facilities (pdf)
- Sector C: Chemical and Allied Products Manufacturing and Refining (pdf)
- Sector D: Asphalt Paving and Roofing Materials, Manufacturers and Lubricant Manufacturers (pdf)
- Sector E: Glass, Clay, Cement, Concrete, and Gypsum Product Manufacturing Facilities (pdf)
- Sector F: Primary Metals Facilities (pdf)
- Sector G: Metal Mining (Ore Mining and Dressing) Facilities (pdf)
- Sector H: Coal Mines and Coal Mining-Related Facilities (pdf)
- Sector I: Oil and Gas Extraction Facilities (pdf)
- Sector J: Mineral Mining and Processing Facilities (pdf)
- Sector K: Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facilities (pdf)
- Sector L: Landfills and Land Application Sites (pdf)
- Sector M: Automobile Salvage Yards (pdf)
- Sector N: Scrap Recycling and Waste Recycling Facilities (pdf)
- Sector O: Steam Electric Power Generating Facilities, Including Coal Handling Areas (pdf)
- Sector P: Motor Freight Transportation Facilities, Passenger Transportation Facilities, Petroleum Bulk Oil Stations and Terminals, Rail Transportation Facilities, and United States Postal Service Transportation Facilities (pdf)
- Sector Q: Water Transportation Facilities with Vehicle Maintenance Shops and/or Equipment Cleaning Operations (pdf)
- Sector R: Ship and Boat Building or Repair Yards (pdf)
- Sector S: Vehicle Maintenance Areas, Equipment Cleaning Areas, or Deicing Areas Located at Air Transportation Facilities (pdf)
- Sector T: Treatment Works (pdf)
- Sector U: Food and Kindred Products Facilities (pdf)
- Sector V: Textile Mills, Apparel, and Other Fabric Product Manufacturing Facilities (pdf)
- Sector W: Wood and Metal Furniture and Fixture Manufacturing Facilities (pdf)
- Sector X: Printing and Publishing Facilities (pdf)
- Sector Y: Rubber, Miscellaneous Plastic Products, and Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries (pdf)
- Sector Z: Leather Tanning and Finishing Facilities (pdf)
- Sector AA: Fabricated Metal Products Manufacturing Facilities (pdf)
- Sector AB: Transportation Equipment, Industrial, or Commercial Machinery Manufacturing Facilities (pdf)
- Sector AC: Electronic and Electrical Equipment and Components, Photographic, and Optical Goods Manufacturing Facilities (pdf)
Industrial Stormwater Resources
- Updated Industrial SWPPP Guidance - Provides guidance on developing a SWPPP that meets MSGP requirements.
Updated EPA Industrial SWPPP Template (docx)
- Provides a template that industrial facilities can use to create their SWPPPs.
Note: All facilities must have a SWPPP completed before submitting their NOI for coverage under the 2021 MSGP. - Updated Additional MSGP Documentation Template (docx) - Provides a form for keeping records on monitoring, inspection, maintenance, visual evaluation and corrective action activities.
- Updated Industrial Stormwater Monitoring and Sampling Guide - Explains how to conduct visual and analytical monitoring of stormwater discharges. Can be used by facilities required to comply with MSGP’s monitoring requirements as well as facilities subject to state-issued industrial stormwater permits.
- AIM Calculator (xlsx) - Helps operators determine their additional implementation measure (AIM) level status in accordance with Part 5.2 of EPA's Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP).
- EPA Region 10 Questions and Answers Regarding the MSGP - Provides answers to commonly asked questions in EPA Region 10 (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington).
- Approved or Established TMDLs - Provides links to sources and program contacts related to approved or established TMDLs for waterbodies located in jurisdictions covered under the Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP).
- 2021 MSGP - Appendix L - List of Tier 3 Tier 2 and Tier 2.5 Waters (as modified September 2021) (pdf)
- NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy - Outlines inspection and compliance goals for the entire NPDES program, including stormwater. This new strategy, which takes effect in 2009, places increased emphasis on wet weather issues, particularly stormwater sources, and sets ambitious targets for audits and inspections of Phase I and II MS4s, construction sites, and industrial facilities.
Resilient Stormwater Control Measure (SCM) Design
Stormwater control measures are crucial to protect human health and the environment and provide critical services to communities. Throughout the country, storms have caused damage to, and in some cases total failure of, infrastructure. It is critical to ensure that stormwater control measures can withstand increasingly frequent heavy precipitation and major storm and flood events. Stormwater control measures based on adaptation/mitigation plans that were at one point sufficient and that were based on historic, local major storm and flood predictions, may now be insufficient given actual experience with major storms and flood events, the emergence of new data that was not previously available, and more recent projections.
While it may not always be possible to anticipate all future events that can exacerbate, or alleviate, the outcomes of major storm and flood events (i.e., speed or direction of the wind, temperature fluctuations, the uprooting of trees, etc.), it is important to ensure that existing adaptation plans reflect, as best as possible, all relevant data. Doing so ensures that stormwater control measures provide the necessary treatment to reduce pollutants in industrial stormwater discharges and have maintenance schedules and activities based on local climatic factors.
To determine if your facility is susceptible to an increased frequency of major storm events that could impact the discharge of pollutants in stormwater, view FEMA, NOAA, or USGS flood map products.
For additional resources that may help permittees when considering design capacity and resilience of stormwater controls to mitigate the effects of extreme weather, view Resilient Stormwater Controls-Additional Resources.