Environmental Resilience Tools Wizard

On this page:
- Who Might Use It
- How to Use It
- What's in the ERTW
- Learn More About Resilience and the Environment
- Resources and Technical Support
The Environmental Resilience Tools Wizard (ERTW) contains tools produced by EPA that address environmental concerns in disaster mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. It is an online wizard that helps you find the right resource to meet your needs.
Who Might Use It
The ERTW is designed for use by state, local, and Tribal emergency managers who need to address environmental concerns and by state, local, and Tribal environmental or health agencies who need to address disaster resilience in their work. It may also be of interest to cities, counties, or Tribes implementing resilience or hazard mitigation plans, researchers, drinking water and wastewater utilities, and community or environmental organizations.
How to Use It
You can access the resilience tools wizard by clicking on the button at the top.
You do not need to download any software. Once in the wizard, you can find resilience tools using keyword search and filter.
- Keyword search: Type words into the search box in the top center of the wizard to find relevant tools.
- Filter: Mark the checkboxes on the left side of the wizard to filter tools by audience, topic, resource type, and disaster stage.
The selected tools will be listed on information cards in the center of the wizard. Each card provides a web link to the tool and describes how to use it to build community resilience to disasters. You can export results as a pdf or csv file.
It works best with Chrome or Firefox.
What's in the ERTW
The ERTW contains publicly available tools produced by EPA, including scientific models, guidance documents, case studies, checklists, datasets, fact sheets, and technical support. They can be used to build resilience of the environmental and ecological systems and services that support community resilience.
They address environmental concerns that may arise in disasters, including: air quality, water quality, environmental justice (EJ), ecosystems, sustainability, and waste.
They may be used for different types of disasters, including oil spills, wildfires, flooding, hurricanes, disease outbreaks, tornados, earthquakes, and chemical or radiological accidents. The ERTW categorizes incidents as: environmental and health emergencies, geophysical disasters, and extreme weather.
They may be used during different stages of disaster mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.
Learn More About Resilience and the Environment
The ERTW was developed by EPA’s Office of Research and Development. To learn more about the research that went into it, check out the resilience tools inventory report:
Resources and Technical Support
For comments and questions about the ERTW, email toolswizard@epa.gov (toolswizard@epa.gov).